What are the Best plants for a food plott?

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I've got 2 one-acre plotts that i was wanting to plant with something other than corn and soybeans. what are some suggestions for attracting deer and nurishing them at the same time all year round?

I'm surrounded by corn and bean feild and am located in south-east Iowa.

thanks for the help

I'm having good success with buck forage oats. Next year I'm going to try chicory.

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are some suggestions for attracting deer and nurishing them at the same time all year round?

Put in a perennial plot of good protein providing clovers, chickory, and trefoil. Two in particular that I like are hamann farms grower mix and penningtons clover and rye supreme, you can mix a little chickory in along with those plantings too.

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  • 12 years later...

I think if you are surrounded by beans and corn you aren't going to compete with those staples with a couple of 1 acre plots. 

So I would put in something that's extra tasty to the deer. 

Try planting something like turnips for them. 

Like you, I keep a couple of one acre plots. I'm not surrounded by crops like you but the deer get enough to eat from natural forage.

But the deer love to cruise through my plots to grab a few tasty morsels. They don't stay long but just cruise through and eat a few mouthfuls of dessert. That's all you need is for them to cruise through on their way to or from their main feeding area.


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