12ga under the bed...


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I put up a post about a great couple that was murdered on Christmas. Since, things have escalated. They still haven’t found the killers and some crazy stuff is happening.

The OSBI (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) told my dad that a lot of the robberies in the area were related.

An older lady that lives by my parents was beaten up by two guys before the couple was murdered and she's not talking. They told her that if she said a word to anyone they would come back and kill her. Her husband died a while back so it was just her. She's to scared to cooperate and she saw their faces.

And now bizarre stuff is happening. My in-laws live at the end of a gravel drive way off the beaten path. This past weekend they heard 5-gun shots at 10:30pm right off the highway (in an old housing addition). Within minutes Sheriffs were everywhere. They were spotlighting everything. Roughly 30-minutes later another shot and then a helicopter with a search light started buzzing around. The sheriff sat in their drive all night.....

My father in law called the police and asked what was going on because of the sheriff in their drive. They were told to lock all doors and windows and not to step foot outside for any reason. That was all that could be divulged.

A couple of names are floating around about the murders. One in particular was recently burned out of his mobile home (supposedly a drug deal gone bad). He now lives a mile from me or a couple hundred yards as the crow flies and is laying low for various reasons.

If this doesn’t settle quick I’m going to go insane. I’ve been up all night, every night. I have a 12ga under the edge of the bed loaded with 3" steel shot. Its just getting really spooky. This simply isn’t something that happens in this part of the world......

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Sounds like a good time to go visit some out of state relatives. Be careful.

Yeah was thinking the same thing or a spurt of the moment vacation somewhere til they catch the lowlifes.

Sounds like a really bad situation Jeramie, keep safe buddy, and keep us updated as you can. Will keep you all in our prayers too.

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They'll catch these guys soon I'm sure. Just be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. Hang something from your doors and windows that'll make noise if they move. maybe a couple glass bottles or something. This will atleast give you a little piece of mind knowing that you'll hear that if it moves. Try and get some sleep and i'll send a prayer up for ya!

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gotta disagree with the shot sizes. i keep a winchester defender loaded with #6 bird shot. i consider that gun for protection, and i want lots of close up protection. i won't be shooting over 20' inside my house, and i want lots of flak spreading out as fast as possible. at a short distance, anything you shoot at them will go clear through. at 20', my gun will leave about a 4" hole. big enough.

and scottis hunter... you SHOULD feel the need for protection and a gun under the bed. stats show that europe has much more need, per capita, than the u.s., especially in areas where gun controll is in effect like ny city, and many other high crime areas. more guns = less crime. i'll guess that 90% of wyoming folks have guns in their homes, and we have a very, very safe state with a low crime rate.

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