"Enclosure" hunting.....


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I am not trying to anger anyone here, i appreciate all outdoorsman, however i dont really understand the sport in shooting a animal that is basically caged. I can understand someone fencing in 1000 acres to control the population on there land but some "enclosures" that i have seen on here look like 10 acre parcels with 25 animals on it? Can someone maybe better help me understand it or maybe explain...thanks

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but some "enclosures" that i have seen on here look like 10 acre parcels with 25 animals on it?

"On here" ?? :confused:

I think you'll find that 100% of folks on here are against shooting animals in pens.

But, when it comes to large high-fenced areas, I'm not against it. Everyone to their own.

This has been discussed in here, many, many times before.

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"enclosures" that i have seen on here look like 10 acre parcels with 25 animals on it?

I guess I don't understand what you mean by "on here" ,,, :confused::confused: could you elaborate a touch more on what exactly you mean ?? .. ;)

You'll find that most of the folks on the Realtree site aren't partial to fenced hunting ,, but hey, if it's legal and that individuals cup of tea,,go for it I guess ... ;)

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Honestly I can see where large fenced in operations can have a place for exotics and even for wild game where the fenced in area is larger than the typical core area that species may cover. Dont hardly think it sporting or in any way challenging however to herd an animal to a fence or shoot an animal in a small penned area. That is just my opinion though and that does not mean I think any less of someone who does, just saying it is not for me.

Thing to remember here is that while we all have opinions, what you or I or the next guy may consider to be right wrong or whatever, that may not be the same as how the next person may view it. That does not mean your views or my views are necessarily wrong or right, simply a difference in opinions. So long as it is legal, to each their own.

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My Dad's neighbor had 1000 acres of land fenced in for deer. Guys who come there seem very happy with their experience.

If they hunt away from the feeders, it's very much a challenge...those deer ain't tame in any way and it's not the nicest land...little hardwoods and mostly swampy areas. Most try that and then end up shooting one near a feeder.

They asked me to shoot a couple does last year. After a snow storm, Casey and I rode 4 wheeler around for 2 hours and didn't see a deer.....not exactly a caged hunt. ;)

Big fenced places like this one don't concern me, but this is the only one I'm familiar with.

However, as long as it's legal....I'm ok with it.

Where's that dead horse and my stick? lol

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Honestly I can see where large fenced in operations can have a place for exotics and even for wild game where the fenced in area is larger than the typical core area that species may cover. Dont hardly think it sporting or in any way challenging however to herd an animal to a fence or shoot an animal in a small penned area. That is just my opinion though and that does not mean I think any less of someone who does, just saying it is not for me.

Thing to remember here is that while we all have opinions, what you or I or the next guy may consider to be right wrong or whatever, that may not be the same as how the next person may view it. That does not mean your views or my views are necessarily wrong or right, simply a difference in opinions. So long as it is legal, to each their own.

Yup. Can't say it much better than this. Caged is not for me, but if you want to, go for it.

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I am completely against canned hunts. I think that the majority of Hunters that have or pay to hunt high fence property are not hunting for the right reason. Getting in a box and whatching the deer follow the feed wagon around just doesnt do it for me. I think to really enjoy hunting you must have respect for the animals survival instinct. 100% fair chase is the only way to go!

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Guest Andrea

Large parcels of land that are fenced are no big deal. At least it gives the deer fair chase. But in small enclosures where the animal can go nowhere is not what I would consider hunting.

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I will only hunt free range. I'm not against penned hunts if it's legal, I just don't understand why. If it's for meat you could buy it cheaper. If you only wanted antlers do you tell everyone who sees your buck that you shot him in a enclosure? Is that the adventure and trophy you want?

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Guest bigalt78

i always think about this question. I dont think its wrong as in hurting the animals because i dont care how people kill them as long as its quick but i think it is stupid and you have to be pretty ignorant to get off shooting a deer in a fenced in area.

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I guess this has been brought up on this forum alot. I just thought i would get a general idea of what everyone thought. I browsed a well known auction site the other day and noticed the "chance" to shoot a whitetail buck that was huge. I proceeded to check out the auction to see if it was a ranch where this buck was located and i noticed that it was fenced in a pen with no other deer. I just couldnt believe that someone would pay money (a good amount might i add) to shoot a big whitetail that wasnt even in his natural habitat. I personally get a joy from watching little ones grow up. From watching their mother guide them and teach them and the bucks that watch over them during the rut. Also, at the same time i realize that the population needs to be controlled for the health of the group. I hope that people read this and understand what i am saying......Gl to all in 2008

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On a subject that will never go away and that will always be a sticking point amongst hunters we have so many different scenarios it is impossible to draw a definitive line. It is fair to say that within any high fenced enclosure that restricts the animal to an area less than that which it would occupy in a natural unfenced environment, than that is encroaching on the unethical situation. If the animals within the enclosure can not survive without supplemental feedings they become no more than farm animals. Whether legal, or not, one needs to decide if killing something (no holds barred) is more important than the hunt itself. I sincerely doubt that anyone on these forums will die of starvation if they do not kill a game animal, and, that is the only excuse for a "no holds barred" approach to hunting. If you have to kill something to be a "success" as a "hunter" and that includes sitting over a feeder in a fenced enclosure and can still go to bed at night with a clear conscience then you and I sit on opposite sides of the fence. On my side of the fence, the animals are free to roam and out-smarting them requires more than just setting the timer on the feeder and sitting in a comfortable chair, inside a box blind, waiting for the deer to show up.

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Fenced or canned hunts are not my cup of tea, but to each his/her own, if it's legal and ethical to you it is fine...............I just don't feel it is much of a challange to hunt any animal in a small enclosure (less than a few hundred acres) and I feel it is morally wrong to put an animal in a 5 acre pen for the sole purpose of killing it for sport,it smacks of nothing more than killing a domesticated animal. I also do not feel it is very challenging to hunt over bait, but again to each his/her own as long as it is legal I will not pass judgement on someone that enjoys hunting in this manner.

I feel like this thread may be partially my fault as I asked a question on another thread about how big the enclosure was they were hunting. It was a legitimate question if you watched the video clip, the animals were clearly up against a fence..........if you are going to show a video of this type of hunt, that's fine, but please state in the beginning that it is what it is, a fenced hunt in X number of acres and they are hunted in this manner for X reason. If this was said I would have no problem with the video and would take it for what it was, but if it is put off as a fair chase free range hunt when it is not, I have a big problem with that. Because it does nothing good for the promotion of hunting if you try to pass off a hunt as free ranging if it is not, it makes us all look bad....................................

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I feel like this thread may be partially my fault as I asked a question on another thread about how big the enclosure was they were hunting. It was a legitimate question if you watched the video clip...

Probably partially my fault too. I want everyone to know that I was not calling lungbuster out; the video would not load for me at first, and I was merely asking the question.

I'll add that these types of posts, just like Ford/Chevy, Mathews/Hoyt, freerange/fenced will always spark debate. Kudos to all for keeping it civil.

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Hunting in small enclosures is not what I enjoy. If the animals have a 1000 acres or more then it has somewhat of a chance.

Although I do NOT hunt that way, I will support anyones legal right to hunt however they wish with whatever legal implement.

Some hunters do not have the time to scout and so forth. That should not exclude them from a hunt if they wish to buy one.

That is not satisfying to me. The possibility of going home empty is the drive to hunt harder.

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I also didnt want to start any arguements, i have just been brought up by my family to believe that bait/enlosure hunting is not hunting, however i can understand that it is legal in some places and some people have no other means. I am also very glad that people on here can handle this topic in a civil manner.

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Guest RisingSunOutdoors

I feel like this thread may be partially my fault as I asked a question on another thread about how big the enclosure was they were hunting. It was a legitimate question if you watched the video clip, the animals were clearly up against a fence..........if you are going to show a video of this type of hunt, that's fine, but please state in the beginning that it is what it is, a fenced hunt in X number of acres and they are hunted in this manner for X reason.

How is asking someone about an "enclosure" a legitimate question? It's nothing more than a question that stirs a pot :)

You make it sound like the animals were in a very small pen and we cornered them up against the fence and could not get away from us. Assuming something becasue of what you perseive, is being very closed minded. Being very closed minded, is being assinine.

Define enclosure?

Do you mean a escape-proof enclosure?

Nothing we have taken have been taken from a escape-proof enclosure.

Like I posted in that other thread...

All of the ranches I know of in Texas have fences; does that mean they are enclosed? I guess so... so we are guilty; we hunt enclosures.

The 600 ac ranch we hunt whitetails, blackbuck antelope and axis deer is a cattle ranch, it has low fences, so again we are guilty; we hunt enclosures.

Many, sorry all the ranches, from 100 ac to 3,000 ac., we have been invited to hunt on have been fenced, even some public hunting lands.

The animals were pretty wild. Most all of them ran from the old “house” there had hanging out when they spotted us. The ram that Tammy shot was more worried about loosing the ewe to another ram than us. The other rams were more worried about us.

For a hunter to take the thunder from another hunter is no more than one of two things, jealousy, start a debate that is pointless, or just to try and make someone else look bad. Why? Just to make themselves feel better? There are all types of skeptics out there and that is what is great about being an American. We can say what we want, even if it hurts other people’s feelings. We can attack other people’s methods, even if it hurt their feelings. We can question other people’s ethics even if we don’t know them…that’s being a good American, a brother countryman and brother hunter.

I don’t make a living at hunting. I do hunt for many reasons, including for the food it provides my family.

I do make a living at enforcing the laws of Texas and the US. I try do treat people the way I want to be treated and respect the way others do things as long as it is legal.

In human therefore not perfect, I try and do the right things and follow my heart when I make those decisions. Are those decisions always the right ones? No, but we would never kill an animal that can’t escape the pursuit of the hunter.

You have made it seem like we were in a 5 ac. pen and had the ram cornered so he couldn’t get away. You assumption has been way off target!

Anything we have killed would quailify for a P&Y entry acording to their rules of fair chase.

Happy New Year!


From P&Y website Fair Chase

From its beginnings, the Club has grown to epitomize fair chase and sportsmanship in hunting. This fair chase philosophy reaches to the very foundations of the hunting spirit; it remains a dominant factor in the personal hunting ethic of every responsible individual; it is key to bowhunting's future with deep roots in America's hunting heritage. Simply defined, fair chase is the ethical, sportsmanlike, and lawful pursuit of free-ranging wild game animals in a manner which does not give the hunter an improper or unfair advantage over the animal. It does, however, extend beyond the hunt itself; it is an attitude and a way of life based in a deep-seated respect for wildlife, for the environment, and for other individuals who share the bounty of this vast continent's natural resources.

The term "Fair Chase" shall not include the taking of animals under the following conditions:

  1. Helpless in a trap, deep snow or water, or on ice.
  2. From any power vehicle or power boat.
  3. By "jacklighting" or shining at night.
  4. By the use of any tranquilizers or poisons.
  5. While inside escape-proof fenced enclosures.
  6. By the use of any power vehicles or power boats for herding or driving animals, including use of aircraft to land alongside or to communicate with or direct a hunter on the ground.
  7. By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating, or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached.
  8. Any other condition considered by the Board of Directors as unacceptable.

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How is asking someone about an "enclosure" a legitimate question? It's nothing more than a question that stirs a pot :)

You make it sound like the animals were in a very small pen and we cornered them up against the fence and could not get away from us. Assuming something becasue of what you perseive, is being very closed minded. Being very closed minded, is being assinine.

Not to take any sides here, but I can see where the question was indeed a legitimate question and I myself was also curious after watching the video as to how large an area was fenced in. It was pretty obvious that there was a field fence in the background in the video.

Was a simple question, no names were called, no derogatory comments initially made. Rather than taking something as being implied and going into defensive mode and making nasty comments, would it not be easier to just answer the question and leave out all the derogatory comments that do nothing more than further stir a pot?

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