Still No Rut


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Well its January 10 and our rut has not even started. I bet pretty much every other state has had theirs already. Its getting later and later here every year. Since we are pretty much all bottom land down here in louisiana the DOWF is saying that the reason for this is so that the does can drop their yearlings off later in the summer months when the water has pretty much receeded(causing less drownings). Its amazing how they can adapt but it sucks because the season is almost over and the rut has shown no signs of starting. Any of your states have a late rut?

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Re: Still No Rut

Sounds like to me ya'll have a major doe over population. Or way to many bucks being harvested. Look at it like this, if you had women crawling all over you, would you be running around chasing the wind. Or would you stay where all the women are. When you have to many does, the bucks have all they can handle and don't have to come out of the bushes to chase.

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