Herbicide prices rising

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I ran in to the fellow I buy my herbicide from yesterday. He told me the price of Round Up is about to skyrocket to about double. Even the product I use, Credit Extra is going from $18 a gallon to $28 per gallon. He said this is due partially to a report which just came out from the USDA which states nearly 56% of corn being planted in the US is Round Up ready.

Seems as though the chemical companies are about to capitalize on this.

He also told me the price of urea is up to $1600 per ton wholesale.

This is bad enough for us foodplotters and hobby farmers but I can't imagine growing crops for a living!

Now that the govt. is pushing so hard for alternative fuels we are about to see a dramatic rise in corn prices.

If anybody plans to buy herbicide for this coming year you might be well advised to purchase it soon before the prices go through the roof.


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