Winchester M 70 is back!


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Got my new Petersen's Hunting mag. yesterday and they ran an article about the reintroduction of the Win. M 70 which is due out soon. They are claiming it to be even better than previous model 70's. I am glad to see the rebirth of this old stand by. It will be available in .243 .270 .270WSM 7mm-08 .308 .30-06 .300WSM .300 Win Mag .325 WSM.

Now I wonder about the old' 94?

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Take a look at the MSRP before you get to dancing too much. ;)

I really don't pay much attention to MSRP as much as what I can actually buy it for.

If the gun is as good as the review Petersen's gave it, it might just be worth it anyway. Only time will tell.

The gun sure looks good on the website though.


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  Rinky said:
I believe winchester is being shipped from a european country or something?

Correct me if im wrong but Im 99% sure theyre all made overseas now.

The local gun seller told me, maybe i didnt hear right.

Nope. Made in South Carolina. The parent company of manufacture is Fabrique Nationale Herstal of Belgium. But the guns are made by American hands on American soil.

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Guest Neuplus4

M 70 Featherweight 223 WSSM Production numbers

Anyone out there have creditable information on the production numbers for the Winchester M 70 Featherweights produced in 223 WSSM? I believe Winchester produced them from 2003-2006 until the Connecticut plant closed.



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