Listen to this idea for deer hunting


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We hunt a farm with alot of the crop being corn and alot of it is in an area where I wish the farmer could leave it up through out the deer season so the deer would continue to use it as a bedding area and an area where they feel secure. Well now we can leave it up all year. A friend of mine has a friend who goes out when the farmer is picking the corn and he and his son tells the farmer to leave up like 2 acres of corn and they will hand pick the ears off of the stalk for the farmer and then all they have is 2 acres of stalks and the farmer still gets his corn. Awesome idea, I'm calling the farmer where we hunt to talk to him about it for next season. I dont care how long it takes, with 3 or 4 of us it should'nt take to long. Couple hours mabey.

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I dont care how long it takes, with 3 or 4 of us it should'nt take to long. Couple hours mabey.

LMAO, great idea, but you better plan on more like 2 days. I have a little corn plot, I picked 2 rows of that corn the other day. Mind you, those rows are about 30' long. It took me about an hour. :D

Oh, and I highly suggest a good pair of leather gloves. :cool:

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my grandpa plants corn for the deer in the field in front of my house. we picked a john deere gator load and it took like three hours and it was just level in the bed.he wanted to pick more but i told him i was done. he wanted enough to feed them through the in the winter behind his house. i will never do that again.

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Corn is selling between $3 and $4 a bushel. If the farmer doesn't care about the deer you are going to have a hard time getting him to leave some up. It is a good idea, but the deer will clean most of it up before you get a chance to pick it.

Yep, would have to agree with this.

Handpicking that size area of corn even with 4 guys, better plan on more than just a few hours.

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I don't know if money is a issue or not but most people i know pay the farmer for the corn he leaves up. The farmer is usually pretty happy with this since he can get fair market value and not worry about what the price is doing once he picks it. This will not only give the deer a bedding area, but also give a extra food source. Don't forget that once you pick the corn you also have to shuck it to give the farmer what he would of had if he picked it with his combine.

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You can also figure it this way....2 acres of corn, at just say 120 bushel per acre.... 240 bushel at $4.00 a bushel.

If its left, the deer will eat it, so you're looking at several days worth of picking (and then human scent spread throughout every square foot of that 2 acres), or about $1,000 investment to fairly pay the farmer....

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Guest bigalt78

yeah man that's a good idea i might have to try that. I seen you were from hamilton i have a uncle that lives in hamtucky and yeah he's from kentucky just like my dad lol but im about 30 minutes from ya. PM me and maybe we could trade some hunting trips ill take you you take me.

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