Bank Of America, Bass Pro, and The HSUS!!! Beware!!!


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Just learned this on another forum! The Bank of America is now FUNDING HSUS!!! These are the same people that have the Bass Pro account! Seems kind of redundant supporting one that fights the other, and vise-versa! I think its time to tell Bass Pro to find another account! Because you know darn well Bank of America wont drop the HSUS!

Bass Pro Card!

HSUS Card!!!

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hhhmmmm...... While I'm sure HSUS doesn't like me hunting and shooting animals... I DO like that HSUS protects dogs and cats from being abused and abandoned.... I bet they had a thing or two to say about dog fighting too....It wasn't to long ago we ALL was in a uproar with M. Vick because of dog fighting....So in that case we all probably sided/agreed with HSUS...

While I don't know everything about them... I do know they can not be ALL bad so I will just have to accept them and wish they could do the same towards me and my fellow hunters :)

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hhhmmmm...... While I'm sure HSUS doesn't like me hunting and shooting animals... I DO like that HSUS protects dogs and cats from being abused and abandoned.... I bet they had a thing or two to say about dog fighting too....It wasn't to long ago we ALL was in a uproar with M. Vick because of dog fighting....So in that case we all probably sided/agreed with HSUS...

While I don't know everything about them... I do know they can not be ALL bad so I will just have to accept them and wish they could do the same towards me and my fellow hunters :)

Ditto! You took the words out of my mouth.

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The HSUS is nothing but a political action group. It operates no shelters, and has no direct involvement with the hands-on treatment of domesticated animals. Laws are already on the books to protect domesticated animals from being abused. You will find that most of their day to day activities consist of the attempts at passage of bills designed to limit (with the eventual prohibition) of your hunting rights and your ability to use animals for anything.

Yes, their was a big uproar with the Vick case, but dogfighting is already illegal, and I do not need the HSUS to remind me of that. So when you say they can't be all bad, well, to us they are. Their goal is to take away your rights...plain and simple. I do not support them in any way, and the only thing that we have in common is yes, you should not neglect or abuse your animals.

As far as the Bank of America thing goes, BOA is out to make money. This is obvious because of their desire to play both sides of the field. If they even took this argument into consideration in the first place, as well as Bass Pro doing the same. It is extremely difficult to find anything these days that is not in some way on the opposite side of our beliefs.

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As far as the Bank of America thing goes, BOA is out to make money.

What major banking institutions aren't?? It's all about money these days. It's hard to find anything anymore that is not about making money. It's in the hunting and fishing industry, the companies we work for, politics..........everything. That's just something we've got to grin and bear.

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While I don't know everything about them... I do know they can not be ALL bad so I will just have to accept them and wish they could do the same towards me and my fellow hunters :)

Don't count on that! If they know your a hunter, they will just turn their back on you, then stab you! They want to stop ALL HUNTING! Period!

Bank of America will give illegal immigrants full lines of credit with no forms of legal does that ring your bell???? I think it's insane.

Well........aint that nice! Must be a bunch of dems running that company too! Sheeeeh!


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hhhmmmm...... While I'm sure HSUS doesn't like me hunting and shooting animals... I DO like that HSUS protects dogs and cats from being abused and abandoned.... I bet they had a thing or two to say about dog fighting too....It wasn't to long ago we ALL was in a uproar with M. Vick because of dog fighting....So in that case we all probably sided/agreed with HSUS...

While I don't know everything about them... I do know they can not be ALL bad so I will just have to accept them and wish they could do the same towards me and my fellow hunters :)

That's exactly what they hope you will think. I asked a telemarketer for HSUS if they had an anti-hunting stance and they said they did. I asked them not to call my house again. They called again and asked for my wife. :rolleyes::mad:

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I think Leo said it best...

The HSUS is NOT the American Humane Society...two different beasts altogether!

People hear 'Humane Society' and figger they're the real deal...but the HSUS is radical. Perhaps that is what needs to be pointed out to the Bank of America.


Thanks Bob, you got what I was driving at exactly right. HSUS is pretending to be someone they are not. I'm really not joking they are guilty of identity theft.

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EXACTLY! they are not the people that run your local humane society animal shelter. They are essentially like PETA. PETA derided Michael vick, too didn't they? Anybody want to say they can't be all bad on that basis?

Thought not.

Don't just drop your account with BOA, write them a letter, and then if they don't respond, get a Cabela's visa...


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I think what it all comes down to is...

WE as hunters need to support what supports us.

Bottom line. HSUS ,PETA all the same.

Hunters and shooters have a grass roots type of communication to get the word out. So I think coming at us head on is a poor plan. Schemes are created by our opposition to undermine our stances. Through credit card sponsorship, they are getting hunters, through purchases, to support anti hunting.

We need to pay attention that we are not helping the opposition eliminate hunting, shooting and gun ownership.

They are a sneaky bunch so we need to be on our game.

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Again, BOA is a middle man. A middle man that makes money, yet offers benefits to both sides of the argument. Look again at what these cards offer to both sides. They support neither one or the other. They make money off of both of us. Should BOA come out and say that we are "donating all proceeds from card ownership to the HSUS" then yes, I would cut my ties with them. Until then, BOA is purely neutral. Sort of like an arms dealer that sells guns to both sides purely for profit and could care less about the argument.

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