My 8 Point

Guest SwatsWife

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Guest SwatsWife

I am the wife of Donnie (risingsunoutdoors) and I thought I would come on here and post my buck story.

We were given the opportunity to hunt a new place close to home. I was feeling pretty optimistic and excited since we had not yet harvested anything from our lease in Kyle.

We headed over to the place and arrived right about 3:45 and had to wait for a couple of does to leave so we could get set up. They finally left and Donnie set up the lucky tent blind, lighted a Tinks Smokin' Stick and we both crawled into the blind and started to get settled.

I began to joke around with Donnie saying that watch this a nice big buck is going to come out I will make the perfect shot and you don't have the video camera. Just my luck that we would only have the camera rolling when I miss!

Well in the process of saying this joke, I look up and all I can see are some horns coming over the hill. We had not been in the blind more than 15 minutes. This nice 8 point buck came in and began to eat some corn, not off the ground but licking the corn off the spinner of the feeder. We watched his backside for quite a while and then another buck joined him for supper.

This nice 8 point finally turned and gave me a shot so I took it! Perfect placement! He ran about 30 yards down the hill and crumpled up. I was glad to finally get something but sad that we didn't catch my perfect shot on film.

It seems that we have caught a few goofs on film and not my good ones. It was all fun and put meat in the freezer!


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Guest SwatsWife
Way to go Tammy. and a big welcome to the forums.

I just wish my wife hunted :rolleyes:

Thanks for the welcome!

I actually haven't always hunted. I grew up in a gun hunting family and never had the desire until Donnie got me into the blind and I watched him take a nice looking buck with his bow and my first comment was... "When do I get a bow".

I have been hooked ever since. :)

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Guest SwatsWife
Congrats on the nice buck and welcome to the forumns. My fiance' is going to start hunting next year with me so i am looking forward to it.

Being in the stand with a loved one is the best. I love hunting with my husband and actually began to miss it when he sent me off on my own. I am glad to be in the blind/stand again with him.

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