Third Place!


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I watched a good bit of the coverage last night and again on the morning shows this morning, and I had one observation that I thought I'd pass along. With the exception of Fox News, all the other networks are focusing their attention on Huckabee's and Obama's first place finishes. They're also talking about how Romney's second place finish is going to damage his chances, but I haven't heard one word about Hillary's third place finish hurting her campaign. In fact, most of the talking heads on the major networks don't seem to think it's that big of a deal. Personally, I think it's huge. The Democrat base, for several reasons, would rather have Obama than Clinton, they're just scared he might not be electable nationally. If he keeps winning, that attitude will change quickly.

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Just scares the crap out of me that she could be the next president. I've really only listened to her once, and that was last night's debate. Two things I take away from that debate.

#1, she's emotional. Only one person really got bent out of shape and raised their voice for the dems, and it was her.

#2, she kept saying, "I've been doing this for 37 years...." What? Prior to carpetbagging in New York, where was she ever in an executive position or legislative position to set policy? Where? I really don't know her history except to say she's a lawyer.

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#2, she kept saying, "I've been doing this for 37 years...." What? Prior to carpetbagging in New York, where was she ever in an executive position or legislative position to set policy? Where? I really don't know her history except to say she's a lawyer.

You have just passed your first quiz in Clinton Lying 101. ;)

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while i love the results, we must be realistic enough to know that hillary will most likely get the coronation.

Dont know Steve, Obama looks to be coming on strong. Will be interesting to see how much further she slips in national polls after Obama finishes ahead of her again today in New Hampshire.

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