Lunch Breaks??


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I slam down my sammich with the 7-10 minutes we have between rolls of paper coming off the machine....but only work 8 hour shifts

not quite like the lunches I had as a recruiter ;)

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Let me see. Yesterday it was about 2 hours. Today it might be about 2 1/2 hours! I am usually pretty tuckered out after lunch, so it will call for a nap of about 45 minutes!

Tough "working" conditions! Of course, there is always the wife who will interrupt the whole schedule if she can and DOES!

LOL! It's great not to have to have any schedule at all!

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Guest Scottishhunter

For me working in Glasgow airport specifically British Airways flights Im lucky if I get 15 mins because with aviation anything can go wrong. Im supposed to get 1 hour, like that ever happens.

A bonus tonight as our last flight was cancelled so i got away 1hour 30 mins early :D

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During the summer we take off from 11:30-12:00. Now, while I was working for my bro., we just took off about an hour or so and went to the local country restaurant. When I work for the auto dealer (3 miles from home), I usually just take 45 min. or so off, run home, make lunch and head back. All this to say...However long we feel like taking in the winter, and 30 min. in the summer.

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