Buck Down!


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This year I did something I've never done, I got a doe in archery, a buck in rifle and a doe in muzzleloader! A grandslam of sorts! I have been very blessed this year! This buck came in to the TruTalker grunt call and came charging up the hill toward my stand. My first buck since 2001! He had 4 pts on one side and two plus some stumps on the other so we'll call him a 6 pt.

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I did put the time in, about every Saturday from mid-September to last Saturday. Early season ususally just hunt in the mornings and go back in the evening. My wife is great about my hunting. She knows my passion for hunting and the outdoors and I can't say enough about her. The weather in that picture was 17 degrees! A quick story about the hunt...about 7:40 three deer walked across the hillside behind me. A doe and two smaller ones. About 15 minutes later they come running back so I stand up and turn around and lay the gun down on my seat (Gorilla hang-on) and start working the TruTalker, hoping maybe a buck is chasing her. About 5 minutes later I hear a deer running up the hill towards my stand behind me, as I am now facing uphill. I thought, that's great, I sit for hours watching where I think the deer will come (other days) and I turn around once and wham, I'm busted. I turned my head real slow and saw the deer about 25 yards from my stand. I couldn't tell what it was but it had stopped so I turned real slow and saw the antlers. He was looking downhill so I picked up the gun real slow and turned and put the crosshairs on him and he was looking at me. I squeezed the trigger and he ran and I was expecting hime to drop but he kept running about 30 yards and stopped again. I missed the first shot! How? Who knows? The second shot however was a keeper! I was really excited! Later my buddy told me there was 3 scrapes along the creek bottom close to my stand and I had several smaller bucks on my camera the week prior. He was behind me up the hill in the morning and said when I shot, 11 does took off over the hill. So I figure (speculation) that maybe he was checking his scrapes, heard the grunt, knew there was does in the area (and a few bucks) and decided to check it out. But he was down and I am a blessed man in many ways!

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This year I did something I've never done, I got a doe in archery, a buck in rifle and a doe in muzzleloader! A grandslam of sorts! My first buck since 2001!

Congrats. You and I have had almost the same exact year. I got my 1st buck since 2001 with a muzzleloader,a doe with archery and a doe with shotgun:D:cool:

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