If war is not the answer...


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Then what is the answer?

Today while searching all over town for a new set of climbing sticks, I noticed a sign on the side of the road in front of a house that simply said "War is not the answer." Not uncommon for New Jersey, but, I have to ask the question. If you are making a public statement of this nature, shouldn't you have included an idea or answer?

I get real sick of people saying "war is not the answer" but offer nothing realistic up to provide the answer. Anyone else notice this? I've thought long and hard about this, and if I had an answer other than bombs and bullets, I would certainly throw it in the bowl for group discussion and possible implementation.

You know, sort of like signs that say "BAN GUNS!!!" But we all know that this solves nothing crime related, and also leaves people defenseless amongst a myriad of other things. Yet they offer nothing realistic up to help prevent gun violence. It's very close in nature to a heroin addict. They feel like crap until they get their fix, then are happy, only to come back down again, and eventually kick the bucket. Only feels good for a while until you realize that it didn't solve any problems, but instead created new ones.

Just a thought for you all to ponder.

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Well, the truth is, war isn't the answer ... Jesus is the answer. But as long as there are men standing who don't believe in God's mercy and rightousness and God's rules for morality, then war is inevitable, because evil takes hold, and the sins of man will always be his downfall.

I'm looking forward to the day when there are no more tears.

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If war is not the answer than what is:D...do we give countries "time-outs"? To me, dealing with countries is like dealing with children. Some children or "countries" for this matter, don't learn by talking but they do learn by "spanking"....if you do it hard enough,LOL!

War may not be the answer but it is needed;)

Have to agree with Mike here. Would also have to agree with Texan Til I Die, we did not start this.

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