ParsonsOutdoors Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 What kind of things do you most like to see in a hunting video? Also what do you hate about some videos? JP Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dg Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? - I HATE when some high dollar sports figure is drug out to a ranch by the hand, told to go here, and shoots a ranch raised big rack buck. It degrades the hard work the rest of us has to do to find deer on our own. - I like to see a little humor. - Bowhunting normal deer, not farm raised bucks. - If you do use a deer farm, choose a blue-collar worker who has never shot a nice one before. But has busted his butt for years trying. - Slo-mo pass-throughs are COOL. - Show the entry and exit wounds when it's skinned out. - Let the kids shoot a doe, and not some 150" buck. That's enough from me! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VABuckSlayer Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? A couple little things I like is what Primos does by showing the time of day flash during the hunt. Gives me an idea of when the deer are moving at what time of year. Also I like to see the score of the buck at the end so I can see if what I was thinking it would score is close. One thing I hate to see is the shot of the hunter walking up to the downed deer with the camera man behind the deer. I hate it when it's staged. I like seeing the cameraman behind the hunter following the blood trail and see the hunters real reaction when he finds the deer. Just a couple things I like/dislike on videos. Eric Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MUDRUNNER Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I LIKE TO SEE WHERE THE STANDS ARE LOCATED AND WHY THEY PUT THEM WHERE THEY DID.I ALSO LIKE TO SEE SOME DOES TAKEN,AND MOSTLY I LIKE TO WATCH BOW HUNTS. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kooter Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? i like to know what type of equip. the hunter is using, brand of bow or gun, caliber type of arrow and broadheads. gotta show the impact shots too! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horst Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I also dont like it when they walk up to the deer, the cameramans allready there, theres no blood, no tounge hanging out, nothing to indicate the deers been shot.Im not after a lotta gore but the staged shots dot even come close to real life. I dont like it when they make a bad hit and then skip right to finding the buck.Id love to see better bloodtrail footage sometimes.Escpecially when they have professional guides and such doing the tracking, i think people could learn more from these guys if theyd show more of that sort of thing.Lots of times people get easily discouraged when a blood trail gets spotty after seeing the guys on tv never lose a deer. I also would like to see the kids shooting more does or even small bucks.In the real world most kids dont get to go out and shoot a P&Y class buck for thier first deer.Escpecially when theyre sitting by a field full of does and letting them walk while waiting for a buck that will look good on dont care what they shoot and should be allowed to just be kids.they get just excited about a doe or basket rack 8 pointer as they do over a 130 class deer. I like to see them miss on occasion.I can relate to that. I like to see where the bullet/arrow hits. Id like to see more info on processing, caping, or even gutting deer in the vidoes, the hunt isnt over when the deer hits the ground. I guesse Id just like to see things more the way they really happen and less of the pretty shots where theres no blood, no misses, and no lost deer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colescott1 Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? In my dreams of making my own videos for a living, I had always considered exactly what Horst described... from the shooting of a deer, field dress, process and even into the "home cooking"...figuring it would appeal to everyone at some point, including those who just wanna eat it. Put it on DVD, and you can easily choose the segment you want to watch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swamphunter Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I like scouting and stand placement, I like the kill shot and watching them go down. I hate it when they pan away. I realize why they pan away, but in hunting vidoes, I want to see it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
superguide Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? Yeah how about a shot of you slumped under a tree after tracking on your hands and knees for a couple hours and still not finding it-or trying to warm up after a morning of -30-for humour you could show me jumping a big buck on my way out of the bush after a tough morning and not being ready-you know the old sling up and walk scenario.More kids would be great-I'll never forget my little girls smiles when their 10 year old brother rattled a buck right to us one morning. Some videos make deer hunting look awfully easy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 257Roberts Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? First of all i really enjoy realtree road trips. Keep up the good work. I would like to see a series that would run year round that follows a typical deer camp. Like a reality show. Shows getting ready for season. Planting summer forages, shed hunting, working around the camp and such. Show the comeradery that takes place in the deer camp. I would also like to see the hunts that don't go so good. Like when you hunt for 3 or 4 days and don't see squatt. It makes the average hunter feel better about thier abilities when you show failures followed by success. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bow Hunter Derek Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I'll tell you what I can not stand any more in hunting videos ... fake cut aways, fake stalking re-enactments, fake recovery re-enactments. Nothing torques me off more than to watch the deer come in, then the camera suddenly flips to the hunter drawing the bow, then flips back to the deer being shot. Granted I'm not out there when it happens, but I'd bet my next paycheck that 90% of the time when they show the draw of the bow, it is an after the fact staged sceen. I hate the fake stalking sceens. How can you stalk on an anmial when the camera man has gotten 20 yards out in front of you to get the stalk on tape? FAKE! I absolutely hate it when the camera is already at the downed deer and the hunter walks up all excited, like they've never seen the deer before. FAKE! I know that I'll upset a few here by saying this, but RT Monster Bucks has been one of the worst at this fake re-enactment stuff, especially with the drawing of the bow sequences. Some of their older stuff had some very fake stalks and recoveries as well. What I want in a video is back at camp and set up stuff, similar to how Road Trips does it. The only time I want to see the bow drawn is when the hunter just happens to be between the camera and the deer. I want the camera to follow the shot deer until it has either ran out of sight or goes down. I want to see genuine enthusiasm and respect for the animal. (I hate it when the hunter gets to the deer and says with no emotion, "Folks we just took a good solid Texas whitetail") I want to see actual recoveries, including tracking (not every step, but some real tracking - good and bad aspects). Most of all, no fancy edits and cut aways. Show the hunt, cut out the Hollywood crap. Primos is as close to this as I've seen in a professional video, but they still have work to do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
popgun Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I can't think of one thing to add to what has already been suggested, except for Bubbly's reply, and we all know he is joking. He is joking isn't he? I hate fake. I love slow-mo replays. I also want to see the deer go down, or out of camera range, and hate fake tracking and the photographer being at the deer when the shooter gets up to it. I don't understand exactly why so many hunters whisper after the deer have already left the field, but I do understand the after-shot-shakes. .....popgun Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RUTNSTRUT Posted January 11, 2005 Report Share Posted January 11, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I hate Texas and Mexico hunts. No offense if you are from there. I like the behind the scenes stuff like the Drury vids have. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLH Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I hate to see huge bucks killed on ranches by people who do not have to do any work. They can pay huge amounts of money to go reep the fruits of someone else's hard work. Let see those "professional hunters" kill the size and amount of deer they do on public land like the rest of us. That will tell us who the "pros" really are. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrud Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I like... - Fair chase hunts - Some pre-hunt activities, like scouting, hanging stands, why they are where they are - Midwest hunts - Good commentary I don't like... - Bad videoing - No emotion - Dull commentating - Short, 3 minute "I see the deer, I shot him, what a hunt" type hunts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carbonhunter Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I'm not a big fan of the mexican hunts either...great they have big deer down there...but no one on here has the money to pay for a hunt down there so who cares....shoot some does......I'd love to see one of thses guys try and do One of these hunts on public land or small private lands. These properties that they hunt are just fake, They are nothing like what the normal deer hunter has to go through to get his deer. Finally lets see one of these guys gut there own deer and then lets watch him DRAG it back to camp.....i think that would leave me LMAO Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RangerClay Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? Lots of hunting camp humor! That is why I like Roadtrips so much. I also like watching video of hunting that is similar to the way I hunt. I especially like to see guys hunting in snow with shotguns. Something you do not see very often. Ranger Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoyt19 Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? We need more good looking ladies in these videos, As much as I love Bill Dave And Mike, I think we need some college girls Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JimT Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? Me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Washi Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? [ QUOTE ] I don't understand exactly why so many hunters whisper after the deer have already left the field, but I do understand the after-shot-shakes. .....popgun [/ QUOTE ] I can see why. Either someone else may be hunting in the same general area or they will be in the next few days. No need to get the deer all worked up for other people who haven't gotten one yet. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Missed160 Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I like to see fair chase conditions. Not every buck the guide shows them needs to be B&C class. I like to see people who hunt under the same situations we do, suceed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fisherguy Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I like seeing big deer, i like seeing deer that actually have to be hunted hard. I hat it when as soon as the shot is taken the camera pans to the hunter. I want to see teh deer run off, or go down if it drops within sight. Pan to the shooter after that. I also like unique hunts. Eventually the same old deer hunt with the sam script gets old. Hunts that use new equipment, tactics, or hunt different game are awesome. Deer are obviouslt the major target due to popularity and availability, but it is nice to see a bear, elk, antelope, moose(especially moose , caribou or predator hunt thrown in there. That is the main thing i like and don't like. Oh also i have it when the hunter is fakind excitement, or seems bored. Ex. on Dean Durham outdoors he climbs in the stand, 3 seconds later a buck walks in, he says (and this is identical in every show and in the same tone) "It's a buck; It's a nice buck" then BAM!! And so he shoots 3 or four animals every show since all you see is the shot, no leadup at all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norm Sauceman Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? Stalk, stand, shot, hits (as much as possible) REAL tracking..not hollywood set ups...where the animal fell and how.. VERY LITTLE of what happened BECAUSE WE ALREADY SAW WHAT HAPPENED!! ... Ok, I am done now.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smo Posted January 12, 2005 Report Share Posted January 12, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I like to see them get a deer they have been after, that everyone is after, and they finally get it. More of a story than just a scene. I like to see them toughing it out. I don't know why but I like to see them hunting in Canada, and I don't like to see Texas hunts. I guess thats why I like to see Wildlife Outdoors so good. I got a free video from Tree Lounge and absolutly hate it. I like Realtree Roadtrips cause they tell a story, cut up and laugh, and go out and work hard to get a good deer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paul23 Posted January 13, 2005 Report Share Posted January 13, 2005 Re: What do you like to see in a hunting video? I enjoy seeing what caliber guns the hunters are using and what loads as well. I would like to see the time stamped in the bottom corner or the screen and does and normal bucks being taken. I don't put much skill into these deer hunts that they shoot monsters on day 3 of the hunt. Would rather seen some backyard bucks locally being harvested. Come on up to some state land in NY and do that in 3 days buddie. Good Luck Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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