And there you have it....


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“We have gone through years of male political figures who have done everything from cry to scream, who have been our presidents. We have all kinds of pictures and stories and you know, I am who I am. I think people who have followed me and watched me they know I am cool under fire, they know that I am tough, they know that I can make decisions.

“But (I) also want them to know I’m a real person, I have feelings, I care about what I do, I don’t do this because I want to live in the White House again. I do this because I’m worried about our country and what is going to happen in the next generation. And if I get emotional about that or if I’m passionate about defending myself, well than I’ll (let) people draw their own conclusion,”

Kind of interesting that she would even bring that up. Part of what she says there is true, there have been emotional leaders that we have seen shed a tear and understandably so. With her having to defend herself over this and claiming it to be a double standard, think her chances are slipping further and further.

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From what so many Secret Service and people that were close to the Clintons during their first two terms have said, she was anything but weak. They said she cussed them out daily, called them everything but a white man, degraded the women that were on the Secret Service staff, calling some of them "water blockers" (I think you all know what I'm getting at), threatened their jobs almost daily and was by far one of the meanest people to hold the 1st Lady position. I think she thought the breaking up of her voice was simply for the effect of being in front of so many women. One thing you'd think she'd understand by now is that you have to remember that the cameras can out number the people at these rallies by millions when you screw up. I have nothing against a woman president but I just don't want that woman as president. I also don't believe that people want a black man as president. I think with what Jesse and Al and all of the others have done to call the White man the enemy people will be afraid to put Obama in power because they know that it will be like putting Jesse and Al in office too. I think it will become even more of a freeloading country because that's what Obama has implied. That he will make sure the black man is taken care of but not the white. More money for innercity folks and forget about the country bumpkins that wake up in the same America every day. I just don't see a Democrat getting elected if these two are the only Democrat options. I think it will be choosing the lesser of two evils. I think Huckabee is the Rep option but he's almost as bad as the Dems on his issues. Oh, well, we'll know by the next rut who'll leading this country into Hades.

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I have nothing against a woman president but I just don't want that woman as president. I also don't believe that people want a black man as president. I think with what Jesse and Al and all of the others have done to call the White man the enemy people will be afraid to put Obama in power because they know that it will be like putting Jesse and Al in office too. I think it will become even more of a freeloading country because that's what Obama has implied. That he will make sure the black man is taken care of but not the white. More money for innercity folks and forget about the country bumpkins that wake up in the same America every day.

My thoughts exactly. Iill be honest about a woman...they shouldn't be the President but that's just the way I am. I heard on Fox & Friends that a couple men stood up during hilary's speech and asked her to iron their shirt....I absolutley loved it:D

I do think, however, that if a black man is elected into that office, it will be like having Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson in there and they will be after only one agenda. It will be all about the blacks and I don't think America is ready for that. If you think we have double standards now, just wait until....Just my honest opinion.

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