Carbon vs Aluminum


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Guest RisingSunOutdoors

I shoot aluminums (2315 XX78s) from my compound and carbons (Carbon Express Wolverines) from my recurve.

Wife shoots Beman ICS Hunter 400 and or Son shoots Beman ICS Hunter Juniors...

I mention all of this to show a wide range of draw weights and a couple different bows.

I may spark a fire here, but energry is not a key factor in doesn't kill animals it is a very sharp well placed broadhead that does.

My son's 42# compound with a 325 gr. +/- got a complete pass through on his buck he shot on the 27th of Dec.! I don't know what kind of energy it is creating, but it is not a lot.

We all have been very succesful with both aluminums and carbons.

If it is working for you stay with them...

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I still shoot 2219 aluminums.Just my preferance.My cousin has had 2 carbons shatter and a kid in my league had one shatter when we were shooting last year.I thought about switching to get a little more speed,but decided to stick with them insted of buying all new.I spend around 30 bucks for 6 arrows when I need to replace a few as opposed to buying a dozen and a half carbons to replace all of mine.

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I stick with my aluminums. Carbon may be straight or broken, but its cheaper to replace a bent aluminum shaft then a broken carbon shaft. Besides, my Eastons with Thunderhead 125 broadheads seem to kill just about everything I hit, so why go through all the effort and expense of changing now?

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This year I recently switched from shooting a 2018 easton xx75 aluminum arrow to a Beman ICS Hunter 340. I was pleased with the speed and accuracy of the carbon, but I'm still not sold on the energy behind them. I would like to get others opinions on which they prefer and any success.

If you GOOGLE "arrow momentum", you come away with a whole different perspective on bowhunting setups. Momentum is a better indicator of an arrows ability to penetrate than Kinetic energy. Also look up Dr. Ashby and his TPI scale. TPI= Tissue Penetration Indicator

I love my xx78 2317s at 13.3 gpi. I believe that heavier is better especially when combined with today's range finders. Know your bow, know your yardage, hit your target.

I need some more 2317s if anyone has any they don't want anymore.

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