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Been a very empty deer season for me here in Mississippi. Weather has not really been good all year! I have seen a few deer and have had opportunity on a few; but have let them walk.

Then Sunday night, I had a guy call and ask me to go with him. I met him at his house at 6:00 a.m. on Monday morning, he said, "I will drive you in!" I thought, "oh, great!" there goes my hunt. He drives me all the way to the shooting house, makes all kind of noise and then finally leaves. I get in the shooting house and get settled.........and in about 10 minutes, I hear something to my right.........still not daylight. I said, "Well, I know it is nothing!" I hear it again and still shrug it off as nothing and then out of the corner of my eye I see a tail flicker! I said, "Wow! A Deer!" It looked like a doe, but I couldn't see real good. Finally it walked a little further and stopped behind a tree and all I could see was it's hind end. I was watching it through the scope and it turned to go back in the thicket and all I could see was horns! I said, "Oh no! I have just let a buck walk!" I could see him zig zagging through the thicket; but never could get a shot at him!

Well, we had thunderstorms all afternoon and really bad weather tonight; but the weather is supposed to be perfect in the morning! I have been invited to come back! So, I am going back to that stand and hopefully get a crack at that buck again! He was boogered when he left, so He will be back.........I just hope it will be in the morning!

Wish me luck!


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