Realtree Colo Elk Hunt 08


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I called the BLM in Gunnison on Wednesday. Here's the way the campground thing works:

Most all BLM camgrounds close in mid-Sept. Those that are not gated are left so that the public can use them free of charge as long as they leave no trace( take your trash). Those that are gated fall into two catagories. If the gate is closed the public is outta luck. If the campground is closed but the gate is no camping. If the gate is left open then its free camping same as if it had no gate. Cement Creek Campground has a gate, but... the BLM guy did not know if it would be left open and willl not know until a "left open gate list" is published in mid-Sept. The list varies every yr. So we have to wait a week or three to see if we can actually camp in Cement Creek Campground.

As an alternate I suggest going above the narrows and camping, tons of land there. I may have to measure my camper and ride up there to see if it will fit thru the narrows then move it in at 2am when theres no traffic or something. Maybe when I call the BLM back in mid Sept I'll ask the guy if he had ROW measurments in the narrows, that may save me a trip with my tape measure.

Or we could camp in next valley east, Spring Creek, or in Taylor Park.

Also since my work schedule and days off changes on Aug 31 I will not be able to get back to Cement Creek over Labor Day to camp( and meet Jeff Texastrophies). This week I'm off to Fort Worth for a week of management brainwashing so I'll be a bit out of email touch this coming week.

More later...

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Charlie, if I make it over there, and I do plan on that, I will take some measurements for you. About how for off of 135 are the narrows you are talking about? I don't remember them and cant really find anything on Google that matches. I will take both the camera and the gps and mark any areas I find that might make a good camp site.

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Charlie, if I make it over there, and I do plan on that, I will take some measurements for you. About how for off of 135 are the narrows you are talking about? I don't remember them and cant really find anything on Google that matches. I will take both the camera and the gps and mark any areas I find that might make a good camp site.

It's aprox 2.3 miles from the hard road ( rt 135) to the narrows then the narrows are about a mile or so long. You'll KNOW when you reach them as road squozes down to one lane. Cement Creek is clearly marked onthe signs along 135. Turn in and go thru "South Crested Butte" village and the road turns to dirt. My camper is 99" wide over the awning support. I intended to mount my solar charger onthe camper today but I worked 19 hours on Saturday (derailment clean up) so I was a bit sleepy all day. If it will fit thru the narrows then it will open up a huge area for (me) to camp in. with yalls. But steve B is bringing trailer of some kind too and he will also benifit by your measurements I think.

Thanks much.

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OK, I know everybody is knee deep in speed goats right now, but, when you get back to thinking about elk, here is what I came up with.

I don't think the area where we turned off of Cement Creek road where Gregg killed his elk will work as a camp spot for Charlie, I don't think his travel trailer will get in there.

Although on the south side of the road at that turn off, there is a suitable place to camp for both TT and tents. This area is before the narrows. Here are a couple of pics of this area. These 2 are in the same place, just one looking east & one looking west.



I also found another place past the narrows, that looks pretty promising to me. It is 5.8 miles from 135. Here is a pic of it.


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Opens Nov. 1, think it closes on the 9th.

Wish you would hunt Steve. Would definately increase the odds of having a successful camp.

I am running bleachers and walking just about everyday, well let's say 4 times a week. Planning on starting to carry my backpack next week, empty for 2 weeks and then adding weight to it up until I leave. The legs should be in good shape, but I still won't be able to breathe when I get there. :mad::mad::mad:

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I'll call the BLM again to find out about the campground gate open or not. I forgot to call this past week. I'll call them this morn and see if the office is opena nd whats the scoop. If not open I'll call em on Monday.

Looking at the calendar I think I'll have to reverse my original plan which was to hunt mule deer in u38 on Nov1-2 then come to Cement Creek.

Wife is taking off on Nov 5-9 to hunt with us so I'll come to Cement Creek on Oct 29/30 and set up wherever we decide that CAMP RT will be located. That'll give me two days to scout some. Then I can hunt with ya'lls Nov 1-7 and head to u38 for mulies on the 8th and 9th. Or something like that...

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That sounds good, Charlie. I probably won't showup until sometime on the 31st. I will have my Halloween mask on. Unfortunately, it is the same one I wear all year long.:D:D:D

I bought one of the huge 3' x 4' topo maps of the whole area, figured we could lay it out on a table for all to see and devise a game plan as the hunt progresses.

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i'll most likely see you on oct. 30, charlie. i'll empty my truck and spend the night in a motel, then set up camp early on the 31st. i'll have a buddy with me who can maybe be an extra set of eyes for you. he won't be hunting. that is, if you agree. jeff and i can go in another direction. we'll see who does the best... lol

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i'll most likely see you on oct. 30, charlie. i'll empty my truck and spend the night in a motel, then set up camp early on the 31st. i'll have a buddy with me who can maybe be an extra set of eyes for you. he won't be hunting. that is, if you agree. jeff and i can go in another direction. we'll see who does the best... lol

Cool idea. May I recommend:

This is the BEST hotel in Colorado and in Nov the rooms with spa tub are only 59.95.

Yeah it woulds be great to have another pair of eyes. I know them elk are secretive. As long as he don't laff at my calling technique.

I wonder how many folks are coming???

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