What happened here!?(photos)


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Anyone have an idea of what happened or seen anything like this?:confused:

Coming back from my hike today, was heading home out of the woods into the field behind the house on an old logging trail I always walk on, I come onto this which is fresh: torn up ground....deer hoof prints dug in, few chunks of white deer hair, even a large log had bark broken off from being run into or something...It was basically a large oval area of torn up, pawed up ground....I thought it was too late for bucks to be fighting but maybe? I know that big buck around here and I think is still here is territorial because I'm sure he is the one during archery that came in, when I had just climbed out of the stand in the evening, and was grunting and snortwheezing and chasing off other bucks behind me. I'm not sure what else it could be...I know it wasn't from deer pawing for food....no blood, nothing else anywhere I could see.

Any ideas?

Photo of some of the torn up ground:


The hair was scattered around in bunches like this, not alot but you could find hair if you looked:


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Did it look like maybe some coyotes were trying to eat supper? :confused:

I wondered if maybe coyotes but the ground was so dug up in the area and there was a mound of dirt that was broken up and/or pawed up. I would have guessed more fur if something attacked a deer...though white hair is usually belly hair so I dunno...There is more torn up ground than just in the photo but mainly it seems to be in a oval type of shape.

Don't usually have an issue with coyotes taking deer here....

It's weird...:confused:

Although last week when out, where the big buck I think was bedded andh adh is scrapes, I found one of the scraped pawedo ut in the snow and did find a fresh rub in another area so maybe this warm up has the bucks a little active...

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and there would be lots of predators tracks around if that was an old gut pile.

Yeah, but after the guts are gone and a good rain, tracks don't stick around. I saw something very similar to this during Ohio's shotgun season back in December, in my case it was a 3 day old gut pile. I had put the guts there....:D

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It could be a fight, but I'm not to sure how all the belly hair would come off with bucks sparing. However, belly hair usualy gets shed all over the place when you gut deer. I've seen gut piles I've left look just like that less then a week later, complete with deer tracks. Seems deer around here keep moving through the hotspots even with fresh guts on the ground.

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Dont know Ruth. Have seen similar areas where it looked like deer ran in somewhat of a circular run, in small areas 10-20 yards or so. Kind of assumed it was where bucks were chasing does around. Have seen hair like that too, but it was near a fence and I assumed that a doe was being chased and one or the other hit the fence or went through it and the hair just did not fall off right there.

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Buck fight. It's amazing how much they can tear up the ground when two big ones tangle.

Here's a pic I took a couple of years ago. You can clearly see the deep hoof prints and the marks where one buck forced the other's antler tips down into the ground. What you can't see is all the torn up prickly pears and yuccas. They literally destroyed about 800 - 1000 square feet of turf.


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I tend to agree with you, Texan.

If you go back to the site, turkeygirl, see if you can find where it appears the hooves off one are deep, toe down into the earth. If you find that...you've found a knock-down, kick 'em out 'scrap' yard. :-)

(I've seen a spot that was tore up very similar to that up here...and it was definately 2 heavyweights goin' at it. Most fights are little more than a heavy sparring match...but when you get 2 bucks of equal prowess going to it...wheww...they can cut 'er up!)


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