Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile


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I figured that this is the best place to do this seeing how this is dealing with laws and somewhat politics.

Well, as a lot of you know, I am an Active Duty Marine and have been transfered from Cherry Point, NC to this wonderful state of Mass confused.gif

Anyway, in this GREAT STATE confused.gif(again confused) they have these crazy gun laws. In order for me to hunt in this GREAT STATE confused.gifgrin.gif), I have to take an LTC Class which costs $99.00. Then after that, I have to go to my local police station and apply for an FID card which is another $100 so they can do a backround check on me and get 2 letters of recommendation. WTF OVER. I been hunting since I was 12. I took my hunters safety course when I was 12. I have held hunting lincenes in several states. I been in combat not once but twice and because of my job, I hold a Top Secret clearance with SCI which is one of the highest clearances you can have. I know for a fact that the investigation that they do on me isin't going to be as extensive as the one the GOV did.

Oh, have I forgotten to mention that in order to get a RESIDENT hunting lincense in this GREAT STATE confused.gif, you have to reside here for 6 months. So I guess turkey season is going to be pretty expensive for the Miller family.

Boy, Uncle Sam really got me this time didn't he, Thanks Uncle Sam frown.giftongue.gifgrin.gif.

Ok, I am done. I been holding that in for a long time. No offense to you MA residents. I know it isin't your fault it is...well let's see here...let me guess...hold on...hold on...Holy crap, I got it...IT IS JOHN FFFFFFF KERRYS GREAT STATE mad.gif


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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

I could see this coming bud back when you said you where moving to Mass. Here in Ohio Armed Service memebers are not only considered residents but i dont think you have to purchase a license either. I feel for ya bud. I tried to get a license when i lived out there in '01, the whole thing was going to cost me close to $300 bucks just to shoot some geese. I said screw it and stuck to the fishing. I have still have some family back in Worch. who have some great deer hunting. The only thing that state is good for is its Inshore saltwater fishery(which if you get the chance i would recommend as its awsome) and chasing women around the beaches. But since your married i guess that dosnt do ya any good. Good luck anyway TSBH hope ya get your bird and they dont jerk your chain around too much. If you want any info on the salt water fishing feel free to PM me anytime, I've got two trips booked out of Bourne in late may early june if ya want to meet and toss back a few pops or somthing.

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

Man TSBH, that sucks! I can't believe you have to be there for 6 months before getting a license, due to the fact your in the military, can't you go on base and get your license that way? It stinks to that the state doesn't have a clause for personnel in the militytary so you don't have to go through all that BS.

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. Aren't you originally from PA? You're welcome back here anytime.

What did you expect from a state that is rife with liberals? Sounds like just another ploy to discourage the common guy from hunting and/or put more money in the coffers. You should have expected Draconian laws like that from those clowns. As for the people of Mass. not having some responsibility, they do consistently support the same people for reelection and don't stand up to them. It's kind of hard to believe now days that the American Revolution started there. What happened to those people in the last 230 or so yrs.????? frown.gif

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

I know I am always welcome back to PA, even if I ain't welcome, I still go back to hunt every year because that is my home. But I still want to hunt here though.

Gator, the military has no pull on the way things are done up here even if they do sell hunting lincense on base. It is the state, nothing they can do about it. They have to follow state rules. I wish they did though, hunting can get expensive up here.

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

Isnt John Kerry a senator from Mass. He is supposed to be looking out for us hunters right. Hmmm. LOL.

That really is too bad Mike, sounds like a pretty screwed up state in regards to hunting laws and gun ownership laws. Go figure. Pretty sure it is also the same in Tennessee where military members are considered residents irregardless of how long they have actually been here.

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

Isnt John Kerry a senator from Mass. He is supposed to be looking out for us hunters right. Hmmm. LOL.


No canidate was with us as hunters untill we stepped out of the shadows and made our votes heard. Bush is the same as kerry in that regard . the only reason they went after our vote was because of what we as hunters did.

Take a look at this months Field&Stream

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

No respect eh.

I don't blame you a bit for being angry. You must feel like you moved to a different Country, instead of a different State. frown.gif

I am ticked off for the same reason here in Canada, but it is not because I've moved anywhere. It is because of these new gun-control laws, which require me to take the course, write the test, do the practical test...all of that at my expense, just to receive a new FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate)

With the new rules (that have been in place for quite a few years now) I can't buy, or borrow a gun, without my new FAC.

I also took my Hunter's Safety Course, when I was 15 years old, have been hunting all my life, no criminal record of any kind whatsoever and I used to have an FAC that expired. Now, why on earth should I have to take the course and test over again, at my expense's absolutely ridiculous.

I do have a Possession Only Permit, which allows me to keep the guns I already own and allows me to buy a hunting license and go hunting, but I can not buy any new guns or borrow a gun from someone else. mad.gif

Pretty weird eh. Under the NEW laws, I am trusted by our government, to own the guns I have, trusted to take my weapons out hunting with me, but not trusted to buy or borrow any new ones. Does any of this make sense to you?????

I believe they should have had a grandfather clause, so that us older guys with clean records who have been hunting all our lives, could have just been issued a new FAC....period. None of this money grab, stupid, mindless bureaucracy crap.

I still refuse to take the course. If I can't buy a new gun...then so be it. But I do not believe I should have to take the course over way, and neither should you.

Why should a long-standing, law-abiding, hunter, and gun-owner, be financially and educationally penalized, because some stupid bureaucrat forgot to add a grandfather clause to these new laws.

It's beyond me and I'm with you 100% on this one Mike.

Your records from another State should have been recognized in the new State, the same why I feel my past non-criminal hunting and personal record should also have been recognized.

You just touched on one of my biggest pet peeves with these new gun control laws for us hunters and gun-owners here in Canada. mad.gif

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

You know i don't care if a canidate if for me as long as he is not against me. And John Kerry and every other left wing liberal (notice i didn't use democrate) is against sportsmen, hunter, or whatever you want to call us.

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

Well I guess I was wrong, the military is exempt from the 6 month thing.---None the less, that was not the big issue.

The big issue is EVERYTHING up here that you have to do just to hunt. God forbid I owned a hand gun blush.gif. I mean this is pretty crazy up here with all this crap you have to do. I pay for a $99 class, then pay $100 for a card that tells me that I have my guns registered along with a backround investigation that the military already does on me every 5 years. I felt more at home in least there you knew who was on your team crazy.gif

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Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile

The AFB here does not have hunting and again, it wouldn't matter because even a military installation has to abide by state laws. They can modify them by adding rules and regs but they cannot take from them.

I'll let toolman slip by this time only because he is obvisouly confused on who is the best. We won't get into how the Army couldn't handle Faluj, Iraq and how the Marines had to go back over and get it straightened out grin.gif But hey, we love the army too grin.gif Let's see how long it takes the toolman tim taylor here to reply back grin.gif

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