OMG...I wanna play...


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Did you see the gentleman who shot third or fourth?? He must have been 70 yrs. old. I'm suprised that by the time he was finished his retinas hadn't become detached. His shoulder was probably dislocated and his hearing will never be the same again.

I'd better inform the people at SCOPE they will make sure that this kind of activity never happens in the USA. Better yet, I'll just forward this video to Nancy Pelosi, she certainly would not approve.

In all seriousness.......looks like an absolute blast. I know a nice little canyon where we could do the exact same thing.......I sense an adventure about to happen.

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Did you see the gentleman who shot third or fourth?? He must have been 70 yrs. old. I'm suprised that by the time he was finished his retinas hadn't become detached. His shoulder was probably dislocated and his hearing will never be the same again.

Yep. Quite miraculous that, in his advanced age, shooting an OTPG gun didn't bring him an immediate end. :rolleyes:

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I wonder how many of those rifles that the guys had trouble loading were CRF. Sure would've been easy to toss a round into a Remmy or Browning and just close the bolt.;)

I was thinking the exact same thing while I watched it. Once again proving the point........Great minds think.

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