Near Death Experiences...


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Funny, I was just talking to a colleague about an incident where I kind of cheated death.

I remember one day when I was about to enter my junior year of high school. I got into an argument with my parents, got angry and hopped on my bike and took off for a friend's house about 15 miles away.

I got to about 100 yards away from his street and all of a sudden I heard a horn blasting, tires screeching and then the impact of a car hitting me from behind. The next thing I remember was coming to and screaming like a little girl.

Then I remember wanting to pummel the drunk retard that hit me. It's a good thing there was a paramedic there to stop me.

First and only ambulance ride I've ever had. Other than a scraped up right cheek, shoulder, forearm, and thigh, I was fine. The docs thought I broke a cheek bone, but turns out I didn't. I still have some cinders in my thigh.

And, oh yeah, I've beat cancer 4 times over and running now too. wink.gif

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I was working for Duck Unlimited one summer. I could see there was a storm coming but continued to work in the back of the yard on the concrete form I was building.

The day went dark and lightning was all around. Thunder was very loud and quick after the strikes. Too close for comfort.

I hopped on the 4wheeler and hightailed it to the shop. Parked the quad inside and grabbed the METAL garage door. ZZAAAP. I lightning strike hit the pole top transformer almost directly above the door, the thunder that followed echoed so bad inside the shop that I hit the ground.

I was about 25ft(height of the pole) away from the strike. I had to call hydro to report the smoldering transformer.

That's probably my closest. I imagine the snowmobile and bicycle wrecks could come close....but that one is the one that scared the doody outa me.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

Two pop into my mind:

First I was about 18ish and I had a 69 Camaro that I spent 4 yrs building myself that was pretty darn fast. Still had hwy gears in it and I cracked it open on a long stretch of tree lined highway. I had a 140mph speedo in it and I was already past that with the neeld pointing down at AC/Delco (about 160+) when a truck pulled out of an access road in front of me aways up the road. No big deal and I never let up as I thought I had plenty of room, which I did until I saw the 30+ foot boat he was towing behind. I never even let off and missed the back of the boat by inches. My girlfriend was in the passenger seat white as a ghost and speechless and a buddy was in the back in the fetal position crying like a baby. I can alway look back and see how stupid that was and how close we were to becoming hamburger.

The second one was a year or so ago bow hunting. A storm blew up quick...I mean real less than two minutes. I had just got to my stand when the skys turned black and everything got cold and still. I radioed my dad who had not go to his stand yet and told him this doesn't look good. He said he would wait on the ground to let it blow over. By the time I got done talking to him the winds started, hail and rain. I was like a flag on a flag pole so I got down as fast as I could. Trees were snapping all around me so I had no choice but to run to the middle of the field. This lasted only a few minutes but I was still getting the snot knocked out of me with golf ball size hail. I returned to my stand but found it on the ground along with the tree it was in. The tree next to it uprooted and fell into my tree which took it down. That right there shook me knowing I missed it by a minute or so. Pretty close!

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

Probably should have had a lot more, I was pretty crazy, but one really sticks to me like it was yesterday.

I was in college and home for the summer and working as a janitor at my high school. Me and a couple of the guys decided that being it was so hot we would pick up some beer and head up to a swimming hole called High Falls. Now mind you I never was a good swimmer but I could survive. Well we had a few beers and jumped off this cliff into the water. I was the last one to go. The water where we jump in was a big pool but you had to swim through some pretty nasty current to get out. Well when I jumped in and started to swim across I got sucked under and started panicking and fighting like crazy. The worst thing you could do. To this day I can remember thinking about my wife and kids at home. I can see the picture of them in my head. Finally I gave up, I couldn't fight anymore, and when I did I relaxed and came up to the top so my head was just under the top of the water. My friend who had been in twice trying to find me, finally saw my head, jumped in and gave me a push to the stone ledge. I felt the rocks and pulled myself out. They said when I got out I was as white as a ghost. Someone decided it wasn't my time and I survived and I am forever greatful. I literally saw my life flash before my eyes.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

Have been too many, but since you mention bicycles with no brakes, I will share my story of how I broke my arm in three places. Was not really a near death experience, but was pretty scarey for me I was 11 or 12, that was over 23 years ago. Was riding mongoose supergoose that belonged to my cousin which had no brakes. I was riding on a road out in front of their house. One my cousins, was on another bike and he cut in front of me. No big deal really I turned between a mailbox and a car and tried to avoid hitting the bike in front of me, but without any brakes I misjudged and ended up hitting the rear tire of the other bike flipping me over the handle bars at a speed of at the most maybe 6 mph. Not sure really if I went out for a second or what. All I remember is when my eyes were where I could see clearly, my wrist was bent back at my chin and it looking really messed up. I remember standing up and my arm dangling by the skin and meat and being able to see the bones inside. Both bones were broken completely in half and the radius was broken in two places. The ride to the hospital, my stepfather having had been a medic in viet nam, he wrapped my arm in a shirt and tried to hold it together in his lap to keep me from losing to much blood and to try to keep from any further damage. Every bump we hit on the ride to the hospital I could feel it. My stepfathers nephew ran every red light on the way to the hospital, there were several. Ended up having about 7 hours of surgery and a couple of pins for them to put my arm back together and spent a week in the hospital that time. Can remember the details pretty vividly.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I have one that will sit near and dear to my heart forever and hopefully will guide some of the young guns in here. I spent all night hanging out at a local party, It was about 3:30 or so in the morning, i had had a couple of drinks but wasnt the BAC test later proved....I dont know why i left the party i had a nice bed set up and all. I dont remember much of it, I remember waking up as the car went into a slide on the raod side ditch, i could see the culvert coming up and tried my best to get the car back onto the road but didnt have a chance. The car hit the culvert quartering towards it, the car flipped way up in the air the first time and landed square on its nose flipping two or three more times(this is from the police report as i blacked out sometime during the first full flip) The car came too rest on the driver side door, I came too and realized that i should get the car shut off, and punched out the passenger window to crawl out. I remember just leaning against the car and putting my hand to my face and feeling a hole?? I stuck my fingers down and realized i was sticking my fingers down from the top of my nose and out the front, the only thing holding it on was a tiny strip of skin. They rushed me to a hospital about 30 miles from here that specialized in head traumas. Three days in the hospitaland a few surgeries later i had a pin in my ankle, thirty stiches from my right ear to just below my left eye and another ten stiches in my right chin. Everything has healed up today and other than a VERY small scar on my across my nose, you cant tell anything ever happened. I was very very lucky, i have pictures of the car but still have trouble looking at them. I was charged with failure to control as my BAC was only .02. Goes to show you that even a little beer on top of a long work day and night will take its effect. everytime one of my drunk buddies wants to go for a joy ride I have to stick my face in there's and remind them of what could happen.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

Ive had three:

I was 10, and I was riding one of those coasters that flip upside down and go in a circle. Well I was too small to go on, but for some odd reason nobody cared that i did. So I remember going upside down, and starting to lift out of the seat, I remember screaming, and my mom grabbed my by my side and held on to me, they then stopped the coaster and I never rode that again, and never will.

I was 12 years old and I was out snowmobiling. The snow was piled up, and I decided on going as fast as that old arctic cat could go, I got going, and I turned around to make sure my dad was looking at me. Well I turned back and seen a tree right in front of the sled. I managed to turn the sled just enough so I didnt make full contact, i went flying, and I dont remember much else of it. My dad said I flew by another tree, bounced off of another ( I was in a woods), and slid to a stop. I ended up breaking my right arm, and amazingly thats all that broke, but I was bruised up pretty bad.

I was 15 years old, and My great uncle died, we were coming back home from the funeral, and I was in the back seat of my dads silverado. We were going down a road when a car ran a stop sign, and blasted the truck right behind my dad, and right next to me. All I remember is seeing the car right before it hit us.

I somehow got ejected out the rear window, and I hit the concrete, and slid into the ditch. My dad was slammed into my uncle, my uncle was in the passanger seat unharmed, and my cousin matt was in the back passanger seat, he was knocked out, and bruised up.

My uncle ran to me and pulled me out of the ditch.

I was knocked out, and bleeding, and I had a broken arm. I remember coming too with my uncle overtop of me, glass all over, and the silverado upside down. The ambulance came to shortly after that. My cousin was fine after it, and my dad, well he was beat up, but hes fine now.

I had a bruise the size of a basketball on my chest, and a football on my back. I was bruised up all over.

That day still haunts me now.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I have been shot at 2 times. Never hit though. Had my house shot up...from the outside.

My buddy (bdboy53), has about had me killed a half dozen times doing stupid stuff with him blush.gif. Stuff I never thought I would do again until he moved back to the area again. He moved back, with-in two weeks....dang near kills me again... Two of us he's probably 180, I'm 220 for a total of 400lbs not to mention clothing and gear in a 11ft plastic (supposedly fiberglass) jon boat crossing the mighty St Lawrence River shipping canal in 20 degree temps with 15mph winds....IN THE DARK! Why do I do the things I do?? To hunt islands that are loaded with huge deer. Had we shot a deer, we would have made two trips to get the deer and the second hunter back to the mainland. It was fun though... right ED?? It was fun right?? Thats what you kept telling me!! blush.gifconfused.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

When I was young I was walking around a small river, I didnt know how to swim yet. I got caught in a deep section that was very soft bottom, I knew it was way deeper than I could stand at the time. I paniced and was trying to tread water but nothing was happening. Suddenly I felt a large rock at my feet, it just so happened I was digging out the bottom and came accross this rock. I pushed my self forward and got into the shallow part! Lucky me or I wouldnt be writing this! I would have been swimming with the fishes!!!


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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I decided to go fishing one year over at the river.It was way early in the spring, the ice had just come off and there was still chunks of it floating in the water.All the snow meltoff that year had the river running high but it had been a very long winter and i was ready to get outside and do something.Anyway I fished my way down the bank and didnt have much luck.Finally aout 1/2 mile from the truck I found a huge brushpile on what shoulda been a high bank if the river wasnt so high.I threw my bait out and waited a few minutes, when my rod jerked hard, i waited and when it went agian set the hook, after a good fight Im pulling a huge channel cat over the side of the cut bank.thats when I heard a Loud POP.I thought my line busted so instinctively I bent down and took a step forward to grab the fish.Thats when the bank crumbled and I went headfirst into the freezing current.Now I can swim a little but your average 7 yr old can probably swim better then i can.I poped back to the surface and stuck my hand out blindly and grabbed the first thing it touched which happened to be a tree root poking out the side of the bank.

It happened so fast I didnt realze I was still holding my fishing pole in my other hand.The water was so cold I couldnt breathe very well and the current had taken my feet straight out down river from me.I remember throwing the pole up on the bank and thinking at least i didnt lose it, and seeing that brushpile below my feet and thinking how bad it would suck to get swept under it.I even remember pulling myself up to the bank once and having it give way again but I dont really remember climing out.I do know walking 1/2 mile back to my car was the longest walk of my life

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: Near Death Experiences...

i have many being the energetic person that i am and for the most part having very little sence of fer but one tht sticks into my head is me and my brothers decided we were gona build a jump and try to jump into the bed of my dads 87 f250 well we stacked pyramid of cynder blocks and put ply wood up it and everything was going fine till i got my bike and was going to try it i went the 50 yards down the drive way and started peddaling as fast as i could went half way up the ramp and it calapsed my front tire hit the tail gate i went flying landed on the roof of the truck slid down the windsheild and fell off the hood to the ground if i hadn't turned my body the little bit i did i would have falen on my head

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

This just happened to me a few weeks back.

I was steelhead fishing on the Grand river, on my way out of the river I stepped into a deep hole. The water was quickly over my head and I found myself horizontal, kicking and trying to swim in the frigid water.

The water hit me like a thousand knives all over my body, cutting the wind right out of me. The current was stong and I couldn't feel the bottom. I was pushed about a 1/4 mile down stream, as my waders began to fill and drag me down to the bottom.

I thought for sure I was dead, it was becoming very difficult to keep my head above the water. I was finally dragged beneath the surface when, out of no where I hit a huge rock and the found the shallows. It was about 10 degrees and the water was probally 30. Needless to say the walk back to the truck was painful.

Somebody up there was looking out for me.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I had one back in the cold winter of '76 or 77 when I was 12 or so. Actually it was that spring when the river by my house thawed, broke up and all the ice jammed down stream in a bend. The rains had the river probably 10 ft above normal and moving fast while the ice was all on top. Like a dumb butt, I take a stick to test the ice and walk out in the middle of the river. I got back within 10 ft of the bank and fell through. I caught myself at the armpits and luckily worked my way out.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I have had a couple. One was a bad snowmobile crash and another was a bad atv crash. I was very lucky both times. On the snowmobile I was zinging around a corner about 70 mph and a tree was across the trail. That stung. The atv incident I flipped over and went over a 10-12 foot rock breakwater. That stung worse. Live and learn.

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Re: Near Death Experiences...

I have had lots of accidents and stupid actions that could have seriously hurt me. THere are two that i would classify as near death though i managed to avoid serious injury in all both. One i was sitting on teh deck at my cabin as a thunderstorm hit. THe rain had not hit yet, but the lightning was getting close. Just as i went to go inside a big spruce abotu 100 feet tall and 30 feet from the deck got hit by lightning. The air was full of electricity, and it was so loud my ears were ringhing for about 10 minutes but no injury(well the tree didn't fare too well lol).

The second involves teh same cabin and about an 80 foot spruce(i see a pattern forming). A major wind storm hit with 60 mph gusts so i ran to the dock to check the ropes on the boats. As i opened teh door of the cabin to go back in teh spruc whick was about 60 feet away broke off and before i could react smashed down where i stood. It hit the edge of the roofthen smashed through the overhang on top of me. The trunk missed me by about 6 inches, and a 2 inch thick branch nailed me in the shoulder. it bruised myt shoulder seriously, brok off on teh way down, then the sharp break made a 4 inch gouge in my calf. 10 ro 15 stitches later i was fine except for a throbbing shoulder. Once that healed i cut a bunch of the big spruce that were getting overmature to prevent a repeat(they were gettiing stump rot and two had gone on the roof, one on the deck, and on on my dad's truck).

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Re: Near Death Experiences...


Muggs my good have to be real careful on those streams up there. I've taken a drink in those rivers and no matter when your fishing them its never warm. The Grand is a big river not to be toyed with....wade carefully

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I learned that lesson the hard way huh. It was at Harpersfield, and the bottom there is really flat, I must have walked that way 20 times and never knew that hole was there. I guess a learned how to "read the water". Mugg's Stealheading 101, how to find the holes.. grin.gif Only recommended for true morons.

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