Poaching problem


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I got a great spot to hunt this year. It turned out to be my favorite property. It is a large track of land owned by a realestate developement company that they will someday develope. I called and asked permission to hunt it and got the go ahead. In the early season I felt like I had it to myself, but during rifle season I started noticing many others hunting it. I finally realized it was getting alot of pressure, but I was still seeing more deer here than my other locations.

Well, during rifle season I found two dead deer right at the only entrance to the property for a vehicle. They were gutted, but no meat was taken off. The heads of the bucks were cut off. I was disappointed but didn't think about it too much. A month went by and I finally got back there again to find 3 more carcasses with the same description. Obviously no tags on them and just left to rot.

It was common for me to enter in the mornings with a cop car at the entrance. They said they were looking for people who had been dumping garbage on the land and let me pass. I began to get to now the officers and would talk with them a bit.

Well, this last time I went and they denied my entry and the whole place was posted as off limits. I told them I previously had permission. They said the company called them and said nobody was allowed there at all.

Now I'm out a great spot 5 minutes from my house and there's at least 5 dead deer wasted!:mad:

Why are there people like this out there? I'm sure the company found out about the deer and the garbage dumpers and closed it up.

I should've called the DNR right away but didn't know if it was this big of a problem until the remaining deer showed up. Now it's the end of the season and there's prob. no way to catch them anyhow.

I also can't understand why somebody would gut a deer and then leave it.:confused:

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I also can't understand why somebody would gut a deer and then leave it.:confused:

That makes no sense, for someone to go to the trouble to gut a deer if they were not gong to take any of the meat. Hope they catch the wasteful filth.

Really you probably should have let the property owners know when you found out what was going on. Might have made a difference in them continuing to allow you.

Well, this last time I went and they denied my entry and the whole place was posted as off limits. I told them I previously had permission. They said the company called them and said nobody was allowed there at all.

Here the regs say that you have to have written permission on you, the officer can cite you if you are found on property not belonging to you if you do not have it, and the landowner can press charges. Whether it is a law there or not, think it would not hurt to get a written permission for any properties you hunt and keep with you along with your license when hunting.

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My cousin lets the game warden sit behind his barn to watch for poachers on the farm I hunt on.All of the farmers that live up and down the road watch out for this activity and have even went as far as chaseing them down thereselves and holding them there until the game warden arives.I would not recomend chaseing down any poachers,they are armed and could be dangerous.But this does keep the poaching down since the word has spread about the actions of the farmers.

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Yes, I should have acted sooner. The first deer I was so mangled by the time I noticed it, I thought it was road kill that was slid over there. Then the others showed up in quick succession. It was also right where the police were sitting so I figured they had to have seen it. Your right though, I should have taken matters in my own hands.

My permission was a phone call only. They said nobody else monitors or cares what happens on that land. I'm going to reapproach them for next year and get written permission if they are willing. I'm not under the impression it's a law here though.

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Guest Camp Frosty
...I'm going to reapproach them for next year and get written permission if they are willing. I'm not under the impression it's a law here though.
Woodshed, I wouldn't wait until next season to ask them to hunt the property. If it were me here's what I would do - I would write a nice letter thanking them for the opportunity to hunt the property, and your anger at what happened with the deer, etc. I'm guessing that those folks aren't hunters, so I would tell them you are an ethical hunter who values the priviledge of hunting, and that you follow all of the laws/regulation, and that you are in no way associated with those folks who killed those other deer. I would also tell them of your interaction with the police on several occasions on the property and that you would be happy to be a caretaker of sorts for the property for priviledge of hunting there again. I think you have to offer them something in return based on what happened. That's just my opinion. If you do get permission, get it in writing anyway even though it's not required by law (if they agree have an agreement already typed up that just has to be signed - don't make them do the work). If this property is as productive as you say, then someone else will try to get permission if you don't. Plus, you'll have it in case you are approached on the property - it's good back up.

The other option is go see the gent that you talked to on the phone (not a bad idea to do anyway). Don't go empty handed - bring him something. Let him put a face to a name.

That's how I would approach it. Just my two cents. I hope it works out for you.

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