Just my luck


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The day started off bad my girlfriend gave me the "i think we should take a break" speech.Then my stepdad was heading off to our hunting property in Henry IL and i wasnt planning on going out at all today so i gave him my lucky arrow and broadhead that i took my 2 does with this year...and then around 1 oclock i decided to go to our property in seneca il why not go out this afternoon...I only had 2 arrows now...im setting up on the edge of a bean field and wasnt seeing a thing and then at 430 it all changed i had 5 huge bucks come out to feed at about 300 yards across the field and one had to be close to 200"...my eye is on this buck and out of nowhere i see a buck running straight for me 12 pt around 160" he stops at 40 yards i release my arrow and it goes right over his back...HE RUNS EVEN CLOSER...get a new arrow shoot....that arrow hits a branch i thought i could clear...so now im out of arrows...whats the buck do....COMES RIGHT UNDER MY STAND AND STAYS THERE LOOKING AROUND FOR 10 MINUTES.:mad: Hopefully this was meant to happen and i will get a shot at the bigger buck tomorrow and then get a chance at another one during our CWD season since our 2 buck limit dont effect that season and we can shoot as many deer or bucks we want.....Oh and my lucky arrow my step dad used nailed a coyote tonight

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Sorry about the day you had. That was tough from the beginning to the end. Hopefully things will turn around for you and I'm sure they will. I hope you really smoke a monster! About the girlfriend, I've had that happen in the past (Been married now for 5 1/2 years to the most beautiful woman!) but they alwyas turned out to be blessings in disguise. Better find out now than later that she "needs space". But if it's meant to be , it will. Hang in there! Sometimes the best things in life happen when we least expect it! Let us know how you make out with the bucks!

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