Hope Arkansas Hogs, This Friday!


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The hunt was a flop.... :(

We arrived after a 5.5-hour drive to a great meal. The land owners fixed a big dinner. That was truly the highlight. They are great people.

The land owner drove us out to a field where we all setup tents and made a camp fire. After everything was setup we went out with night vision goggles to do some hunting. We saw a lot of yotes but none of us had an Arkansas license. We found a lot of sign that night but not a single hog.

We made it back to camp around 12:30a.m. and were sitting around talking... Suddenly I got tunnel vision with blind spots (anyone that suffers from real migraines knows what im talking about). I knew I was in for a long night. We were out in the boonies and the nearest store open would probably have been a 30 mile drive. I layed down in hopes I could sleep it off but to no avail. The migraine hit full force and within an hour I started puking. I was literally up the rest of the night puking.

The temps dipped into the high teens with a 15mph north wind so the reset of the night was pretty painful. By daylight it had downgraded to a bad, bad headache. I didnt want to ruin the rest of the hunt so at daylight I fired up the coleman and fixed coffee, sausage, bacon, and eggs for the camp. After that we rolled the rest of the sleepers out of bed.

We gathered up gear and out we went again. We hunted for hours and hours. Saw tons of deer and yotes but not a single hog. We would occasionally hear a hog scream but it was very distant.

We tried to setup my brickhouse and use my johnny stewart with a piglet call but it didnt work. However it did bring in a ton of curious does. We hunted until mid day and didnt have much hope of seeing anything so we tore down everthing, packed up our stuff and shot back to Okieland. The rest of the gang stayed. They saw a ton more yotes and deer but never saw a single hog. Sad too because there was sign everywhere.

Even though we didnt get to see anything and I was up all night puking, we still had a blast. That is the first large game hunt my dad has been on with me and my brother in over 20 years. Now its all dad is talking about and I love that. He called me last night and talked for an hour about it.

Our dad hunted harder than me or my brother could have imagined! We are definately going to have to setup another better hunt in the near future. Dad was truly the highlight.

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