Obama is UnAmerican


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picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!


TRUE: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp

Watch the tape


Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.

Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....:(:mad:how in the heck can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

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Look at the polls from the primaries...Obama and Hillary are neck and neck in this race. I can't believe any true American would give this idiot the time of day. AMERICA ARE THERE OWN WORST ENEMY:mad:

Sad thing is that America doesn't want another Republican in office so the vote is going to go to either Obama or Hillary:(

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Sad thing is that America doesn't want another Republican in office so the vote is going to go to either Obama or Hillary:(

Really would not be so sure that is the case Mike. People in general are pretty irritated with politicians on both sides, the ratings for the democratic lawmakers up in Washington are not exactly all that great right now. People are pretty fed up.

Obama has the black votes and Hillary has the women votes

That probably holds true for a good percentage of people in general, but think there are a large portion of women voters out there who are more conservative and will likely not vote for Hillary. Think Hillary's biggest support base, and I could be wrong, but would tend to think it is more likely Bill Clinton supporters that would be more likely to vote for Hillary.

Think the republicans do still have a chance, and I still have hopes.

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I was hoping that the video would have shown him not saying the pledge of allegiance. Not taking up for him or anything, cuz it still tees me off for his lack of respect, but he may have had a brain fart or something at that time- who knows. Now- if we can find the video of him not saying the pledge, I say we call for an impeachment. :)

Oh yeah, was anyone else really annoyed by the chick singing the national anthem? That really tees me off when someone butchers the national anthem and tries to make it sound like they're on soul train or something. She didn't even sing half of the words to it....Judging by the people on the stage, that's to be expected though. :)

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Oh yeah, was anyone else really annoyed by the chick singing the national anthem? That really tees me off when someone butchers the national anthem and tries to make it sound like they're on soul train or something. She didn't even sing half of the words to it....Judging by the people on the stage, that's to be expected though. :)

Yes I was, thats was just terrible, should have kicked her off the stage. This country is going to the dogs. One things for sure we will have our first black or first women president this time.

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Yes I was, thats was just terrible, should have kicked her off the stage. This country is going to the dogs. One things for sure we will have our first black or first women president this time.

I have no problem with a black person or a woman being President but NOT THESE TWO. The Democratic party is a J-O-K-E.

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I ain't posted in awhile.I can't beleive folks have already deceided whats gonna happen.That is the first time i've seen that pic of obama but I am not surprised.I can't understand how folks are so confused that they would even consider voting for biliary or obama.Bill Clinton was impeached...forced to leave the white house.How does that qualify Hilary to take on the same job?Obama was raised in a different culture,thats makes him good for ours?I don't aim to offend anyone but this is kinda important.Promises made by these folks don't really amount to much.We have to look at the person and their history to get a clear picture of what they are and what will be good for this country.I've never taken sides early.I don't really care what folks call themselves.I only want whats good for us not what might be good.I want folks to vote their heart and feelings not what someone else thinks is best but what they really feel is best.This whole election has been like a hollywood stunt.We have to keep it real and not let the fake stuff impress us.

I'll step down now,thanks.

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I can't understand how folks are so confused that they would even consider voting for biliary or obama.

Some aspects I do not understand either Lisa, but best way I can figure some people feel like Clinton did no wrong, a big portion of the support for Hillary is coming from Bill Clinton fans.

Obamas support base is pretty self explanatory, some of the polling numbers I heard yesterday were a bit troubling really, but I guess it is not at all surprising.

Sadly, some see the debates where Clinton and Obama looked like a take from a springer show and think it is cool, and it is unfortunate that there are those out there who would rather vote for who they think is cool as opposed to voting the person best for the job. Really a very sad direction this country has been headed in.

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Do we honestly need to listen to anything the MEDIA puts out there?? They are only telling us what they WANT us to hear. I don't put stock in ANY of their polls.

Last election they were talking to us as if Kerry REALLY had a chance. Give me a break.

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Remember this...its the primarys..the real voters (Christians)..will show up in November!!

That doesn't make much sense to me. Why wouldn't they show up now? This is just as important.........

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