vanes or feathers?


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Re: vanes or feathers?

I gotta agree with J.B. on this one.

Feathers out last vanes any day. The worse the feathers look, the better they fly. That is because the inconsistancies in the surface create small eddies of air across the surface, creating a very low friction surface for the surrounding air to pass over the feather. Similar to dimples on a golf ball. Take a smooth golf ball and even Tiger Woods could not put any distance on it or even hit it straight. Put crazy dimples everywhere and he can hit it 300+ yards and straight as an arrow.

Vanes are heavier, slower off the string, get wavy, and tear. Once they tear, it is over.

The only downfall to feathers in my opinion is rain. And they can be a little louder than vanes.

I keep a few arrows fletched with vanes just for rainy days, but beyond that, I shoot feathers exclusively.

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Re: vanes or feathers?


Take a smooth golf ball and even Tiger Woods could not put any distance on it or even hit it straight. Put crazy dimples everywhere and he can hit it 300+ yards and straight as an arrow.

[/ QUOTE ]

not the way he's been playing lately grin.gif

I shoot vanes--have always wanted to try feathers but just never have.


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Guest antlers21

Re: vanes or feathers?

I have shot both but the last couple of years I have stayed with feathers. 2003 season I shot a 9 point with my feathers in a good rain at 31 yards and it hit true where I was aiming. I hunt with feathers no matter what the weather is.

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