Season is over for '07-'08


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Well, my season went like this. I shot a doe the last Sunday of October with my bow, made a great shot on her, put it through both shoulders and she dropped on the spot. Then shotgun season rolled in here in IL. I didn't have a shot on a deer until the last day of first season, it was a shot on a doe, and I missed her. Then second season came in, Friday night, I missed a 140 class buck, Sunday night, I missed a doe. Sunday night of second season my dad shot a little buck. Then two weeks after 2nd season was over, I went out and shot my gun to determine if it was the gun or me that was causing the misses. It turns out it was the scope. I was shooting 4-10 inches low and no matter what we did to the scope, it stayed 4-10 inches low. So, I have to purchase a new scope for my shotgun. So during late winter season, I took dad's gun out. Friday night, I didn't see a deer. Saturday night, I had a doe and a fawn come up through the timber(I was sitting on the ground) and they stopped 7 yards from me. Really exhilarating and cool. I thought the action was over, then I looked across the field and through the fence row and saw a decent looking buck. Too bad during late-winter, all you can shoot are antlerless only deer. Then, I saw the doe staring at me. She finally put her head down and I got my gun up and put it on her. I squeezed the trigger and she took off with her tail and head down. I went over there and found blood. I trailed her, but didn't have a light and it was tough finding blood. So I called Dad, and it turned out he had a shot a doe that night as well. So I went to where he was hunting and helped him take of his deer, then we went back and trailed my deer as far as we could, then looked for a body. No luck. So I went back the next day and did a grid search and couldn't find. Not sure what happened, if I only caught one lung and hit her high, she could run a long way and it would explain the lack of blood. While looking for her yesterday, I jumped a flock of turkeys totaling over 50 birds, and found a buck skull of a buck that was killed about 1 year ago. He had shed one side and still had one side, it was kind of cool. So that's how my season went. For the first time since 2002 I didn't harvest a deer with my shotgun, but I guess that has to happen once in a while. Next year, I will have a good scope on my shotgun and not have these problems! LOL

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