help aging a buck


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ive been researching and learning to age by whitetails by thier teeth for a few years now and a co worker brought me one side of a jawbone from a buck he killed this year the problem is everything looks like a 4.5-5.5 up to the second molar(5th tooth back. it is half as tall and almost completely flat with hardly any enamel lines and all dentine. and the 6th tooth (3rd molar) is missing. i dont know what to think about this. the deer was killed in southern IN. and was 200lbs. and scored between 160-170 gross. any help is appreciated as i said b4 i am puzzled by the 2nd and 3rd molar.

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Usually a 160-170 inch buck isn't young, but it is hard to say without a picture. One trick we do is to take the extra effort and completely remove the jaw from the head and boil it out just like you would a skull for a "European Mount". Having the whole jaw helps when teeth are missing or they have a problem on one side of their mouth. Cleaning up the jaws makes it easy to see all the teeth and allows you to collect them for an aging display.

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