Big Doe Down!


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So I pestered Ohiobucks into going out yet again, and he was a good sport and agreed. So off we went to Coshocton county for a little QDMA.

Tom went to an area we have hunted a lot this year, and normally see a fair amount of deer. He asked me where I was going to go, and I thought about an area where I've seen deer in the past on many occasions.

As I was walking in on the lane I was just looking for tracks in the fresh snow. I didn't see too many until I got to the area where I wanted to be, and then I saw about 5 or 6 sets. I continued on, but the tracks thinned out, so I turned around and headed back to where I saw good sign. I walked down the hill a little and cut another track, which appeared to be a buck's. I got downwind of all the tracks, found a perfect white oak tree and climbed about 25 feet up. It was 3:30.

Fast forward to 5 p.m. Up until then the only thing I saw was nuthatches, flickers and red bellies. Right around 5 I heard a commotion in front of me in an area we call "the pines" for obvious reasons, and sure enough, out popped a deer on the lane that I walked in on. Two more deer followed. They milled around on the lane, and I thought they were going to pass me. I could now see that one of the deer was good sized and the other two were fawns. Anyway, they continued to walk away from me, and then the momma turned and started to head down the hilll towards me. :cool: I hooked my release on and turned to where I thought they were headed. At this point, one of the fawns freaked out and sprinted back up to the lane. :mad: The wind was perfect, so he wasn't winding me. Turns out, I think he was just acting like a fawn. :D So he turned and headed down to me again, ate an acorn and then did that crazy fawn dance they sometimes do. He turned and headed back up towards momma who at this point was headed down the hill, so he turned and headed down with her. I could see he was a button buck, so no shot on him, I just prayed momma would give me a shot.

A few seconds later, she commited to coming down the hill to my right, I slowly turned and came to full draw. I got her in the peep, and she needed to take one more step, and she did, and then it looked like she was about to bolt for some reason, but she stopped which allowed me to anchor the pin and release.

I watched the orange nock bury into her shoulder, but not pass through. :( I also noted that my string hit my arm a bit, I think because I was shooting across my body a little.

Anyway, she took off like a shot back towards the truck, she got probably 150 yards away, started running up a little hill, but then doubled back, and then she disappeared. :confused:

I figured she died in a little swale, but I wasn't sure. I called Tom and he went and got the 4 wheeler. Tom got to me about 1/2 hour later which was perfect, Tom took my stand up to the 4 wheeler and I got on the trail.

20 yards on the trail I found the back end of my arrow. 50 yards into the trail I found the Rage head. One blade was twisted pretty good, but the other was fine. By this time Tom was on the trail with me. 80 yards on the trail and you could see blood spray pretty good. :cool: Another 40 yards or so, and there she was right above us. It was over in seconds. The Rage did the trick. The shot was right behind the shoulder, taking out at least one lung, I'll know better tomorrow if I hit the shoulder blade, I think I did. I did not hit the heart, that I know.

Anyway, here she is:


Can't thank my buddy Ohiobucks enough. He's a real good friend. I pestered him quite a bit this year, probably because I missed so much last year.

Sorry for the long post, but I know some of you like stories. :D

Side notes: When I was gutting this deer, some kind of big bladder looking thing kept getting in my way. I asked Tom "what is this thing? The stomach?" It was too big for the bladder, but it was fluid filled, then I said, "I wonder if this is the uterus...." Sure enough it was. I could feel at least two fetuses in there.

I think that doe was at least 3, maybe 4 or 5, her teeth were not sharp at all.

Tom estimated her to be 250, 275 lbs, I guessed more like 120, 125.:D

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Congrats again buddy, I'm truly happy for you. :cool: :cool:

Wouldn't happen without you bud. Glad I decided to wing it. :D


Here's another pic Tom took with his new camera. This one kind of shows the size of the doe; was a good sized doe.

Tom noted on the way out, this is my first doe with a bow in over 4 years. :eek::rolleyes::D

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