Back to the basics

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I sold my inline back during the summer because it had not been shot in about 4 years.I mostly bowhunt but plan on going muzzleloading this comeing year.All of the benifits and improvements with the modern inline has taken all the fun out of it anymore,when I go to get me a new smoke pole I will be going back to the way I learned to hunt.The old style cap and ball with iron sights,there is something about haveing to get the deer in close that gets me realy excited and reaching out to 200 yards just does nothing for me.I got cought up in the mix of long shots and lots of powder and it has ruined the passion I had when i started shooting the smoke pole,cant wait to get back in the woods and back to the basics.

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A person after my own interests. I do own all three types of ignition and use either a flintlock or an inline. I do not advocate large powder charges and keep mine under 100 gr. I prefer getting up close and personal. So close I can't miss. But with a flintlock I still ocassionally do miss. I used to bow hunt but with shoulder problems I have made blackpowder my top choice.

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