Watch out....


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:rolleyes:fo those Hawthorn trees with all the woody thorns on them....they hurt:eek::o

I was in our woods, doing a quick rabbit hunt, and I crouched on the ground to get under one of those tree and when my left knee kneeled on the ground, all of a sudden ouch! Stupid thorn on the ground under the snow went through my snow pants. I stand up and the thorn is broken off in my snow pants. I pull it out and kept walking. Then my knee hurt a little then I felt through my snow pants and felt something a little wet through it...thought it was just snow. Get back in the house and there's about a dime sized patch of blood soaked through my sweatpants I was wearing and a little hole in my knee. Nothing major...though it's a little sore and swollen now...almost right on the joint line which might be a reason for swelling because of fluid in the knee. out for those things...they are nasty!:mad::eek::o

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Watch for infection.

I was climbing up a steep embankment once that was slick from rain and mud.

As I was climbing, I was using the small saplings to grab hold of on my way.

I made it up about 20 yards and grabbed hold of a Devil's Walking Stick, let go in a hurry, and before I knew what was going on, I had slid what felt like 100 yards back to my original point of origin.


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