Boone and Crockett squirrels!


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Ok I got it!! Now yall want to come to IL. to hunt our world renowned big bucks- But what about our Squirrels??? Man Im tellin ya we got Bonne and Crockett squirrels around here and plenty of em. Why taint nothin to see 20 or more at one sit in a tree stand. And there mean too!! Just look at what they do to the sheds we find around here! Now grab your gun(or bow if ya want a pope and young squirrel) and come get ya some..

Really these things are out of control Ive found this shed 2 days ago..What was left of it anyway!!


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Guest PikeCountyhunter

I've always had the same problem. Most of the good sheds I find are eaten. I found 13 sheds last year and at least 10 of them were eaten to one extent or another.

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