Bad News For FoodPlotters!!!


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Just got word from my buddy's coop guy that fertilizer prices are double from what they were last year. Last year a 50lb bag jumped to $12-$13 from $9 depending on what kind you got. Now they are looking at $26 for that same bag:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

How in the H E double hockey sticks can farmers afford this? I am absolutely appauld!

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Last year a 50lb bag jumped to $12-$13 from $9 depending on what kind you got. Now they are looking at $26 for that same bag:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Did notice quite an increase last year. Some places it was not as high though. Coop here, the 6-12-12 was up to like $8 a bag if I remember right, while lowes had it for like $6 something a bag. Sure hope it does not double, if it does, I will not be able to properly fertilize my plots:(.

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Guest otismyman

Bad News...gimmie a break

Just found the site. It's great. In looking at a few of the posts, there is quite a bit of misinformation out there. I found this one that I can speak to directly.

Don't know where the rumor started about the fertilizer being $23 per bag. Just bought 4 bags of 17-17-17 and 0-20-20 for $10.20 each. I won't argue that fertilizer is going up but $23 a bag. I suggest before paying $23, do a little shopping.

Maybe it's not the end of food-plotting after all.


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Just found the site. It's great. In looking at a few of the posts, there is quite a bit of misinformation out there. I found this one that I can speak to directly.

Don't know where the rumor started about the fertilizer being $23 per bag. Just bought 4 bags of 17-17-17 and 0-20-20 for $10.20 each. I won't argue that fertilizer is going up but $23 a bag. I suggest before paying $23, do a little shopping.

Maybe it's not the end of food-plotting after all.


Those are great prices for 50lb bags. We paid more than that last spring already. Its been two years here in Wisconsin since we saw those prices.

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