a few questions on coyote hunting

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ok, lets try this again (posted it in the wrong room before :o)

Here's the scoop, I have never hunted coyotes, have never even seen one while hunting (seen one dang near get hit by a car on the way home from the U.P. last year:D). I will be making my annual trip to the U.P. again this fall to do some bowhunting for deer, last year, while I was there, I heard a bunch of yotes all around, and though I didn't see them, i had them at least 50-60 yards away at one time. this year i was thinkin I might get my small game license and try and stick one of em.

My questions are....what they heck are they good for?? what do you do with them after you shoot em?? gut em, skin em, and eat em lke you would a deer? (cause it doesn't sound to good, or look like something i would wanna eat:o:D...or are they simple for the fun of shooting them, and taking a picture??:confused: I would hope you could get some type of use out of em (other than mounting it)

need some input :D

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Think you will hear varied reasons why people yote hunt. I hunt them for the primary purpose of attempting to cut them back. They are pretty thick in this area, and they are rough on the turkey and deer population. Have not had any kill any of my calves that I know of yet, but that is a potential too. Hunting them is fun too, especially when they come to the call, so there is a sport element to hunting yotes for me.

Some do hunt yotes to sell the hides and make a nice little supplemental income doing it, I do not kill enough of them to worry with trying to sell them.

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First, if you hear them and they sound like they're 50 yards away, they're probably closer to 500. And if it sounds like 10 or 12 together, it's more likely to be 2 or 3.

I wouldn't recommend trying to eat one, unless you're really, really hungry or just plain adventurous. If you feel like you just have to do something with it after you shoot it, you can skin it and cure the hide. Of course in the Fall or early Winter, their coats usually aren't very pretty.

So what are they good for? Well, they eat a lot of mice and rats (along with birds and squirrels and rabbits and house pets).

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Like wtnhunt said, you will get a variety of reason people hunt coyotes. Depending on what area your hunting usually dictates what is done with them after you harvest one. Up north where they actually have a good winter, a good number of folks hunt them for their hides.....................and can make a fair amount of pocket $$$$. Others hunt them to keep them from killing too many calves, sheep, goats, deer, turkey, quail, and house pets. As for eating one, I never have and hope that I never get that hungry to try. They are ALOT of fun to call in and in my opinion if you could call one in and take it with your bow then that in itself is a trophy. Coyotes are very intelligent animals and fooling one takes more than just blowing on a distress call. Good Luck!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest WY Hunter

Yea I wouldnt eat them either, they are about the only thing that will eat a possum so that should tell you something. But if for no other reason, shoot a coyote and help you deer and turkey population.

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