News anchor stands up for hunters


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Caught this on the news last night. Someone had brought up the issue of "birth control" for deer to help maintain the herd numbers. I was getting ready to hear hunters get slammed for some reason, but it turned out to be the other way. Made me feel good to hear hunters spoke of so highly on the news.

Here is a link to the video commentary:)

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Wow, thats awesome but still aint gonna help. There are way to many animal rights folks out there to throw a wrench in that kinda situation. There is an area south of where I live that has a plethera of anti-hunters and tree huggers. I dont know if you guys herd of Ithaca NY, yep thats the town that makes me sick. cayuga heights I think is part of the area where deer are ungodly over populated. There are areas that have been posted and are concidered forever wild. You guys have no clue how mad I get when I have to work in those areas and see all these people buying up that land and doing this.

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Guest Cajunhunter67

its incrediable and never ceases to amaze me how ignorant mature adults can be about the positives of our hunting community! I like to fell off my computer chair when he stood up for hunters! Well put!

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