NYS Southern zone Archery season shortend


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As a result of the 2005 regulation change, the 2008 early archery season in the southern zone opens on Oct.18th, resulting in a shortened 28 days as compared to the 35 day season in 2007. Thus the 08 season is 7 days shorter than the 07 season and up to 10 days when compared to the old season structure that always opened on Oct 15th and ended on the Sunday before the regular gun season.

This is a loss of hunting opportunity that should be compensated for.

NY's new DEC commish has many tricks up his sleeve. Remember, Pete Grannis( NYS DEC commish) had a ANTI HUNTING/trapping stance his whole political life. As detailed by the history of the laws he voted for.

And our new Governor appoints him head of the DEC...Go figure.:confused:

I hope this loss of opportunity does not lead to further loss of time afield and expose a hidden agenda.

I will be contacting DEC to voice my opposition to this. I would encourage other NY's who oppose this to do the same

I would like to see the season open on October 1st.

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Actually, the whole controversy could have been eliminated by setting the bow season to "35 days prior to the regular gun season". They would have had their Saturday opener that they feel is so important, and also would have created a season that was nearly the same as it had been for decades, and would have had a season that was absolutely consistant from one year to the next.

Leave it to the DEC to make things as complicated as possible and wind up totally screwing things up.


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well from reading your posts my thought is that NY's hunting seasons is screwy to me cause here in KY our bowhunting season opens either the 1st or 6th of september and is open until january 19th or 21st (depending on the year). and something else, does other states any one hunts make them buy a new permit for every season that they hunt.

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OK...Maybe it is JUST a calendar glitch, the lost time.

I'm just a bit leery of the new commish...ya know?

This could be a reason though, to push to move the openers back 2 weeks to make up for the lost time. If moving the openers(bow and gun) was to include older and younger hunters, who could not make those mondays off; What better way than to give more hunters more of a opportunity, to have a successful season by starting it 2 weeks earlier?

More tags sold, more involvement, more dead deer.

Northern Zone should start September 1st and the So. Zone Oct 1st.

How about those dates?

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It has nothing to do with politics.

So far, this is true. Grannis was not even a blip on the radar back in 2005 when all this season change stuff was going on. However, NY bowhunters have a legitimate concern and the politics may begin to show when we see what the response is to a push that NYB is now involved in to rectify the situation.

By the way, NYB is now involved in a letter-writing campaign to Commissioner Grannis on this subject and is asking for your help. It would be a good idea if we all were to support our state bowhunting organization's position by adding our voices to their effort (whether a member or not). The NYB website has a sample letter that you can use as a guide-line for your own letter construction. Let's get behind this campaign and at least let our opinions be known.


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By the way, NYB is now involved in a letter-writing campaign to Commissioner Grannis on this subject and is asking for your help. It would be a good idea if we all were to support our state bowhunting organization's position by adding our voices to their effort (whether a member or not). The NYB website has a sample letter that you can use as a guide-line for your own letter construction. Let's get behind this campaign and at least let our opinions be known.


NYB must be hoping that their neutral stance on the Grannis nomination is going to pay off. :rolleyes:

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