Guess-timating A deers age...


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I know just by looking at pictures you can't get true age, but I know there are certain charactaristics you can look at to make your guess. What are they? what do you look at when trying to determine the age of a deer?

I was reading a thread on another forum, the guy wanted to know the age of a deer in the picture, a lot of guesses were based on the size of the deers antlers.

I'm no expert, but my reply was

Antler size is the last thing I look at for making any guess-timate. I look at the face, and body before anything. IMO antler size really doesn't tell you much except if it has good genetics or not and are the last thing I look at in guessing an age. Looking at that deer I'd say 2.5...just my $0.02

is this what most of you look for first as well?

I know there are other factors as well, location being one of them

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Guest turkeynutz64

Well, I look at the deer and see if it will taste good and how far I will have to drag it! If it meets these specs, I will stick it! I meat hunt, and if its got horns it usually walks! Unless theres big horns on its head then I know I have a good handle to drag it by!lol Its still just a guess til its dead and then you can get the truth!

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