Ann Coulter steps out.....


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I had a couple good laughs and agree to some extent with what she's saying.......BUT.......

As much as the thought of John McCain as president makes me want to vomit, there are a couple of things I'd trust him with more than the ........err...........I mean, Hitlery.

1. Appointing non-activist supreme court judges

2. Leaving some shred of the 2nd Ammendment in tact.

The appointment of supreme court judges is about the most important thing a president does. The choices he makes affect the country loooooong after he's gone.

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I'll give McCain credit for supporting the Second Amendment.........that's it. If I remember 1976, Jimmy Carter supported the Second Amendment also. The more I compare John McCain and Jimmy Carter it becomes all too obvious..........they're twins.

Who's going to help McCain with his Court nominations? Kennedy? Feingold? Leiberman? Those are his buddies, his advisors and co-horts.

He scares the living crap out of me.

If Mitt Romney doesn't get the nomination................I'm going to have to go with Ann.

I DETEST HILLARY and BARACK. But, if John McCain is the best that the GOP can do...........let the Dems have it.

I declare open season on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and LIBERALS. McCain seems to love both.

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The whole crappy thing doesn't leave a conservative lover of the Constitution and the soveriegtny of the USA an awful lot to be hopeful of. :mad:

John McCain may have been an American military hero at one time. But he's sure slapping the faces of a lot of other heroes who paid the ultimate price to defend the lands of this great nation. I'd liken him to the "John Kerry" for 2008.

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John McCain is the wrong guy for taxes, and for immigration as well, but I personally still think we would be better off with him than either of the two dem choices. If Edwards had made it and got the nom for the dems, I might actually have been inclined to vote for him before McCain, I dont know.

If you have not already heard, from what I understand McCain supports illegals getting rebate checks too,2933,326346,00.html:(

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I'd liken him to the "John Kerry" for 2008.

McCain's name was mentioned as a possible running mate with Kerry in 2004. This guy is a full-blown LIBERAL. You watch, he'll get the nomination based on conservative lies and then ask Lieberman to be his VP in a grand effort to pull the parties together.

I cannot believe that Americans are stupid enough to fall for this guy.

Romney is far from perfect, but at least he's not pretending to be something he's not in order to get the nomination.

It's only going to get worse...............start hiding your money.

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Please inform me then exactly what Mike Huckabee's stance was on illegal immigration. Here's another recent clip.

I sure sound to me like he's in favor of building a fence full of holes. You must go home, but here's a ticket to get back in so you can pick crops. Make sure you're back by November so you can vote for Me........................liberal thinking.

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if mccain is the republican candidate, i think we've seen the end of the republican party, and a failing of america. i believe that someone will start the conservative party and/or the independent party will grow tremendously. i'm frankly very scared about what's going to happen in 2 days... tuesday. if mccain comes out on top, i'm hoping for a 3rd party candidate to emerge as the republicans are no longer republicans as the thinking of reagan was. i'd actually like to see neut step up to the plate.

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It's going to take alot of Jack Daniels to get me to pull the lever for McCain.

Two problems with that..........

I don't drink...........Jack Daniels can only produce so much.............ain't gonna happen.

Super-Tuesday will definately have a far-reaching impact on the future of this Nation. The Drive-by's have touted McCain as the only Republican candidate who can beat Hillary and enough fools believed it. Now the GOP will be fractured and Hillary skates in. Their plan from the start. Let's become a Socialist Society. More Government for all. Economy in the crapper. Illegals running rampant. Thanks McCain supporters, you've done the Nation proud.

Ideologically speaking, from a conservative point of view,McCain and Hillary are the same. It's just that one is a man.............I'm not sure which.

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