Scoring on Monsterbuck videos


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Some years ago Monsterbucks videos (VIII, Vol. 1 and 2) indicated the Gross score for the deer harvested. Recent videos only indicate the score P&Y, or B&C. Does anyone know if the Gross score is being presented or the Net score?

I also think it would be AWSOME! for the Monsterbuck videos to include the official score sheets for each deer (as an extra like they do with behind the scenes). Would anyone else like to see the score sheets added to the videos?

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I would love to see the deer's score sheet, or show the gross and the net green score. Sometimes I have to question the score they post because some of the deer just don't appear that big. It seems to be primarily the smaller deer they shoot, the score shown will say 125 or 135 and the deer looks like a 115 or 120 inch deer.

I think there have been many hunts where they have said 125 or so on smaller deer, however these were mostly on kids hunts. I dont blame them at all. One that stands out is David Blantons oldest sons first buck. Think it was in Georgia on MB 8 or 9. Pretty sure that deer was under 125, but that is what they put. Cant really blame them.

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I think a deer sould be scored at gross of what he grows. This is why and its not just for my deer but i will use it. It gross scores 174" 13 point but if i take it and get it net scored they will score it as a 8 point and will be some where around 145 - 150. Now can that deer control how his horns will grow? All i know is it makes my book and gross scores 174".:D


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Gross or Net?I agree with "West V" about the Gross score (nice buck by the way). Prior to actually learning how to score deer I always thought that going the non-typical route corrected for non-symetrical racks. After finally getting a couple P&Y trophies the past 2 years I became familiar with the score sheets and found that the non-typical route still deducts for racks that are not symetrical. This was discouraging. I thought I had a chance to enter my 07 bowkill in B&C, but after the deductions he's just under 160. The green Gross score was just over 170 inches. I wonder about the monsterbuck videos because I think the gross score presented at times, and at other times the net score is provided. If I could see actual score sheets I think my deer judgement would improve.



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I'm one of those that prefers just to see the gross score too. That tells me what I need to know about what kind of bone the deer grew. Net's are for fish and record books.

No need to waste time showing a score sheet either. Use that time to show us different looks from different angles of the buck's rack.

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Guest Tatonka

I'll be the devil's advocate here......I'm so sick and tired of seeing a "score" attached to every buck killed I could puke. It's not about score... Never has been. It's about hunting. I wish B&C and P&Y had never come about..

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