record breaking year!!


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thsi weekend I broke my record of 168 good coyotes in a winter, I got 14 coyotes and 3 fox this weekend, putting me just at 170 good hides, prob close to 200 total, Looking at the hides and cold weather I am expecting another 3 weeks of hunting,I will break the 200 mark good hides if everythign works out, here is a pic of thsi weekends kill!now I am back to work loading them in the shed to thaw out,



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Guest ohbowhntr

Holy COW!!!! You could probably guide predator hunts if you have that many of them things up there!!! I've killed one, and only seen maybe 10 in my life around here, but I think it'd be fun to try to call them as well.

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Guest WY Hunter

Looking at your picture it looks like the coyotes in your area have good color, they should bring between 35-45 stretched and dried, have you considered sending them to one of the big auctions?

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I would like to say all called but no, none trapped and prob about 20 -25 were shot either going to a stand or driving to a new area,the other 180 plus were called in, I will have pics up of the bunch I am just finishing scraping and getting ready for sale, also am tanning a bunch for a few friends, seeing the market is low its a cheap way to get a tanne dhide!

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