Peep Sight Question?


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Re: Peep Sight Question?

Well unlike most of the places that you guys hunt, down here during bow season 9 times out 10 if your goin to get a shot on a deer/hog its going to be right at dark and though i can c the animal perfectly once i look through my peep i cannot c the animal clear enough to take a sight. I have no trouble seeing my Tritium sight so thats not the problem and i have the biggest peep sight u can get. I have some friends that shoot w/o the peep and love it so i think i'm switching over

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: Peep Sight Question?

I have read the more anchor points the better, what harm is a peep doing? It's making you anchor the same place everytime, other wise you may not.

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Re: Peep Sight Question?


down here during bow season 9 times out 10 if your goin to get a shot on a deer/hog its going to be right at dark and though i can c the animal perfectly once i look through my peep i cannot c the animal clear enough to take a sight. I have no trouble seeing my Tritium sight so thats not the problem and i have the biggest peep sight u can get. I have some friends that shoot w/o the peep and love it so i think i'm switching over

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There's my problem bowhunter. And to deal w/ my Anchor problem i will put a kisser button and i have another technique that i use to make sure i'm at the same point everytime

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