Brand New 7 megapixel trail camera **SOLD**


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Brand New homebrew trail camera 7.1 Megapixels.

Here are the details:

*Brand New Nikon L14 7.1 MP digital camera hacked with a three wire servo.

*Snapshot sniper board with easy to use setup and LCD screen. Lots of options on this which makes it great.

*Sharp and crisp camo pattern on the case.

*Stainless Steal pipetrough for extra security

*High Performance Wide Angle lensto detect motion at a wider angle instead of one straight beam.

*Camera can take up to 1000 pictures on a set of AA Lithium batteries.

*Delays of 5,10,20,30 seconds, and 1,2,5,and 10 minutes. Also operates on day or night only or 24 hour.

*Date AND time stamp on picture.

*Camera is BRAND NEW, everything in it is new.

**Includes trail camera, NEW python locking cable, NEW 1 GB SD memory card, and four NEW energizer rechargable batteries.

$335 shipped.

Any other questions please PM or email me at: [email protected]




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The hacks are very easy. All you have to do is peel back two pieces of tape over the power button and then scrape away the thin little piece of "material" (not sure what it is) and that exposes the bare metal and you solder your wire right to that. Very easy in my opinion.

Buckee, the day time pictures are amazing! The night time are a little grainy because of the high ISO but heck they still look really good. You can turn the ISO down but then I think you loose a little flash range.

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