Super Tuesday


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Well the most anticipated Primary election day of the year is upon us. The fate of our country is in the hands of about half of the country to decide who will most likely recieve their parties nomination for the ticket in November. Let's hope that there are some intelligent people out there that can see through the smoke and mirrors that most of the candidates have put up when they head to the poles today.

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McCain is rolling the delegates up pretty good!

I don't see where either Romney or Huckabee will come close to doing anything! McCain is going to get the nomination!

When I look at McCain verses either Hillary or Obama, there isn't any doubt, I am going to vote for McCain!

I cannot fathom being in the military and having Hillary as the Commander-In-Chief! That is enough to make anyone sick! Most people don't or won't remember how Billy Boy hated the military and don't let anyone fool you, she will be the same way!:eek::eek::eek:

We DON'T need a "national health care" plan that she is going to design! Don't you remember the crap she came up with when Bill got in the first time!:eek::eek::eek:

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Let's hope that there are some intelligent people out there that can see through the smoke and mirrors

NOPE............they stayed home.


If you like higher taxes, if you believe in Global Warming, if you open your door for millions of people who are here illegally and then have your wages go to buy them health had a good day.

Mine was not so good.

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I agree that barring some major development (scandal or public meltdown), McCain will be the Republican nominee.

Obama is apparently leading in the delegate count for the Democrats, but there's still some debate (or maybe it's just typical Democrat confusion) about exactly who has how many delegates. I'm sticking with my prediction that Hillary will eventually end up on top. She still has a bag full of dirty tricks to pull from and there is absolutely no doubt that she will use them if she feels like the race is close to being lost. Watch for more opportunities for her to shed a tear. And since the California primary is over,I also think she'll quietly dismiss that Hispanic guy on her election team in California that was stirring up all of the Hispanic vs black sentiments. She got what she was after - overwhelming support from the Latino community. But now she needs to start mending some of those wounds before she completely alienates the black vote.

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