Babies everywhere!


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Ok, not really everywhere:D I had clinical today, the 1st of two days of rotation on the OB floor. Considering there was nothing last week, wasn't expecting much.

Well, I got to see 2 C-sections and foley catheters get put in that go along with it!:eek::eek::D;)

No I didn't get sick or pass out. Though we had to wear green scrubs, little booty things on our shoes, a hair net thing, and a mask. In the middle of the first one, all of a sudden I was dying of thrist and felt like I couldn't breathe, so I stepped out, got some fresh hallway air, then went back for more:D I think I was so excited and at the same time thinking "oh my gosh, I'm actually seeing this" that my "freak was freaked" as Ellen Degeneres says.:rolleyes:

Got to go to the nursery and observe the first baby and talk with the nurse there...well actually she did most of the talking, she was so nice along with the head c-section nurse.

That's about it.:cool:

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I was there for my sister-in-laws two deliveries and actually helped a little with my sister's delivery.

Very cool job. I could deliver babies everyday.

One thing that's obvious...........the nurses do ALL the work and the doctor shows up at the end to catch and cut.

And get all the money.:rolleyes:

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