food plots"good or bad for hunting"?

Guest elevenpointer64

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ok im not bashing anyone when i say that baiting should be legal in the words of ted nugent if u hunt on a trail isnt that considerd bait because it draws deer in arent funnels bait because they attract deer to everything we use to get a buck is considerd baiting because it attracts deer and helps us harvest a deer and i think food plots are great for deer because they help keep deer healthy

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in the words of ted nugent if u hunt on a trail isnt that considerd bait because it draws deer in arent funnels bait because they attract deer to everything we use to get a buck is considerd baiting because it attracts deer and helps us harvest a deer

So when deer are conditioned to come to the sound of an electronically timed feeder going off as I read in an article in Bowhunter magazine several months back, that is the same as sitting along a trail, or hunting a funnel area. I don't think so. Let's face it, training your local herd to respond predictably to a bait station, is nothing like the examples Uncle Ted mentions. I personally don't have any problem with those who feel they have to resort to such tactics, but the Nugent analogy does seem to be a bit flawed. Far better that hunters simply tell it like it is. Simply say, "I bait because I want to". No need to come up with extravagant stories and apologetic excuses and complex analogies. If you aren't breaking any laws, do what you feel you have to do. It really is nobody else's business.


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Pretty much my whole state is a food plot! ;):rolleyes:
:D DANGIT BOY!!! LMAO!! I was gonna say the same thing!

Folks, This debate will rage on because of the differences in conditions where you live. I'm in Southern Illinois and there's more ag fields than timber. I have access to over 1,000 acres and the biggest percentage of that land is fields rather than timber. It's just the lay of the land here. In this acreage there are corn, soybean, winter wheat, alfalfa, and CRP fields. It's all here...I cannot avoid hunting near it and somestands of timber are bordered by a mix of crops. We cannot legally hunt with bait and I don't think it would help here anyway...much less it does help spread CWD.

However, some hand living in the forest somewhere must have a different set of tactics. Now I would argue that there must be a way to do it without bait, but I do not have his perspective and have not lived in his shoes. So, maybe you gotta have it for success there.

NOW, I would argu with the fellow who said something about harvisting a forest deer...dude, you have obviously not had the loins from a corn fed Illinos deer! :D YUMMY! :D

As for food plots, they really aren't much help here either given the above listed options availble for forage. But, I can see that there are states where it makes sense. If for nothing else for the herd health.

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im just wondering what other hunters think about food plots?i myself do not agree with using them!i think its a form of baiting the deer!thats my oponion!some will agree and alot will disagree!!!id just like to get hunters opinionon this???

It sounds like you already have discussed this some where else. It also sounds like you know how hunters feel about this from this statement "some will agree and alot will disagree!!!" I mean why discuss it in a non-constructive way...

Here is a link explaining quality deer management. Explaining what it is all about...

I would suggest to read up on it and it will answer all your questions you have about the topic. You might learn something too about us hunters. I'm a wildlife and nature enthusiast and I'm a avid hunter. Don't forget about the Big Guy above he made it all possible for us :)

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