Home Brew tanning solution


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I suppose Krowtann would probably be the easiest, but without a large tumbler your hide is going to dry hard. If you want a nice soft tan you will want to have it professionally done. JMO

I`ve used Krowtann, i like it, everything i did with it last year turned out great.. I was just looking for something i could make up myself, just to experiment..

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Use your urine...

or, I'm sure you have heard the saying " every animal has enough brains to tan his own hide."

Try looking for The Book of Buckskinning manuals (1 and 2). You can use diluted lye,to soak the hid in for a few days, then rinse. (for hair removal).Then soak and saturate with 1 pt lard, 2 parts flour. Roll up and put in a cool place or a few days( check on it so it doesn't dry out).Rinse thoroughly several times, then squeeze it dry.

you can beam (work soft) or smoke it .(This would be the most time-intensive part of working a moose hide, up when we lived at the cabin...and moose hide is so thick).The Ak natives here used to make a huge stretcher, stretch & work the scarf skin off it with rocks, over a green smokey fire,making it more supple.

Egg whites and cod oil can make your hide really soft.

...Just a basic start, general info for you. Also, check out the Dixie Gunworks catalog,(also, online) for their extensive product line on this, and related subjects....I know some people don't have all the extra time to do all this other...Hope this helps!!!

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