Common Eider mount


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I was hunting with my fiance Justin (total disaster), who lives in Nova Scotia.... back during late October/early November and I was lucky enough to bring down my first full plumage male common eider. I had shot a couple other males before this one but never one that was in full plumage. :D The day I shot this one, a large bunch of eiders came by our boat, close enough to shoot, so Justin and I sat up to try our luck on them. I picked this male out of the group, shot once, he hit the water, I yelled "I GOT HIM!", clicked the safety on, and sat the gun down. LOL. I could have shot twice more but was so excited when this beauty of a duck hit the water that I could have cared less whether I got anymore out of the bunch. :D

Anyway, the day before I left to come back home to West Virginia (mid November), we dropped the duck off to a good friend of ours that lives near the airport (Halifax, NS), who had agreed to drive the duck up to P.E.I. and drop it off to a taxidermist that he'd heard did good work for a good price. Well, we got the duck back in under 2 months (amazing turn around time) and the duck looks great... all except for the feet which are G.I. Joe GREEN. :eek: We plan on getting another taxidermist to respray them the yellow/black they're supposed to be. ;) Also, the head feathers are "fluffed up" and stiff instead of smooth.

*shrugs* I'm picky. LOL.



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