Death Penalty

Norm Sauceman

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Re: Death Penalty


If they are remorseful for their crime I think they should sit in prison and think about it for the rest of their lives, if they show no emotion whatsoever i.e. Scott Peterson, then they should go ahead and take care of it.

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Good point slugshooter, i personall still lean towards execution, but it should matter if they are remorseful. I really hate to think that there are people who get life in prison and don't even feel bad for their crimes and victims.

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Re: Death Penalty


If they are remorseful for their crime I think they should sit in prison and think about it for the rest of their lives.........

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Sorry. Gotta disagree. Swift, harsh, "do-overs", no second chances. When the crime's been proven............git'r done. Next.............

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Re: Death Penalty

I agree with slugshooter, he has a good point. I don't think those that deserve death should get to wait years and years before their execution; I think if the evidence is conclusive enough for a death sentence, the criminal should be taken directly to the chair or chamber the same day or week, not 20 or 25 years down the road.

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Re: Death Penalty


I agree with slugshooter, he has a good point. I don't think those that deserve death should get to wait years and years before their execution; I think if the evidence is conclusive enough for a death sentence, the criminal should be taken directly to the chair or chamber the same day or week, not 20 or 25 years down the road.

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Dont think they should wait either. Like the idea Texas seems to be going with in having an express lane grin.gif.

Unfortunately I do however disagree with sluggo about his remorse idea he posted about. Just dont think it should have any bearing on whether a killer is executed or not based on their after thoughts after they have taken innocent human lives. Feeling emotions after killing may make them seem human in some ways, but a taker of human lives is still an animal.

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Re: Death Penalty

The main problems I have with the current death penalty is that it is too expensive, slow, not used enough and needs to be expanded.

These people should die.

1. Murderes- Obviously

2. Serial Rapist- Some men have made mistakes, others have made it a habbit.

3. Child molesters- If they've done it once I think they will do it again. When you rape a child you ruin their life, you should then forfit yours.

4. Big Drug dealers/ manufacturers. How many people do they kill every day.

5. Terrorist.

If there is more than 1 eyewitness, vidio, or 100% DNA evidence then no apeals. If not than 1 apeal not to last longer than the original trial. When sentence his handed down then it is carried out.

Public hangings or firing squad.

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Re: Death Penalty


4. Big Drug dealers/ manufacturers. How many people do they kill every day.

[/ QUOTE ]Disagree on that in the sense that the crime is not violent. Now if said drug dealer has executed people Pablo Escobar style, death is deserved.

Basically, I think if it can be proven with DNA evidence, death is appropriate. If not, then it shouldn't. DNA evidence has already acquitted many deth row inmates, and imo one innocent man in jail or executed is too many.

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