Weekend Project (pics)


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I finally got around Saturday morning and was able to clear out for a food plot I'd been wanting to put in for some time. They say pictures are worth a 1000 words, so here they are.

The tools:



The location before:

The road in.


In the bottom.



The location after:

The road in.


In the bottom.



It's about twice as big as these pictures show. By the time I was done, I was exhausted and ready to go home so I forgot to take some additional pictures. It's kind of in the shape of an upper case B, and totals about 1/4 acre right now. I'd like to get it closer to a full acre, there's plenty of room to do it, but it's going to be a work in progress over the next year or so. I plan on putting it in some sort of perenial blend, probably a clover mix, unless someone can recomend something better.

On a side note, if anyone is in need of some fire wood, I've got 1-2 rick for the taking.




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just pile the wood in a teepee and then get some help to work on enlarging the plot..after your done light a pile up roast some weinies and bring some refreshments..good way to get free help. can you pop oput the stumps with the loader? othwerwise,you may want to try pushing the trees over first with your loader, then cut em off at the base. pile up the stumps and burn them too..

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Finding help is the hard part. I'm about to talk a guy here at work into coming out and helping me, but I'll be surprised to see it happen.

I tried pushing the trees over, but they wouldn't budge. It's amazing how much root there is on an oak tree. I plan to cut the stumps flush with the ground and do the tilling and planting around them. I also plan on leaving the brush pile for the little critters and planting some honey suckle in it.


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I tried pushing the trees over, but they wouldn't budge. It's amazing how much root there is on an oak tree.

Oaks typically do have good root systems and are tough to push up with a loader. If you can dig one side up partially before cutting the tree, then push from the other side up high enough, usually they will go over.

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Looks like a great time! You're gonna have a realy tough time with those oak trees...a mature one will have a taproot that goes way down, and a bunch of feeder roots closer to the surface. If you wanted to spend the time, and got a mustang or a bobcat around, you could dig down along the root a foot or so under and use an axe to chop the root, then push it over. That'd be alot of work and expense if you had to rent one though. In a year or so if the stump is dead and dried up, you could pile some wood around it and burn it out too.

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